Psalm 119:145-152: Vigilant Waiting for God’s Salvation
In the nineteenth stanza of Psalm 119, we call out to God with our entire being, asking for His salvation. Because we know that the morning will bring His salvation, we vigilantly wait for Him to keep His promise. Although our enemies draw near, God is nearer still in His promise, now and forever.
Rev. Dr. Tim Saleska, Professor of Exegetical Theology and Dean of Ministerial Formation at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 119:14 5-152.
"God's Word Is Our Great Heritage” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Psalm 119. As this longest Psalm takes us through an acrostic journey through the Hebrew alphabet, our God teaches us to find joy, refuge, strength, and life in His Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.