DiscoverYUTORAH: R' Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff -- Recent ShiurimR' Menashe Klein: Conversions in the USSR in the 1980s (Mishneh Halachot 13:164-5). Converting a Minor. Mother is Gentile, Father Jewish. 13:166: Should a Learned, Capable Teacher Leave the Soviet Union? Essas Family
R' Menashe Klein: Conversions in the USSR in the 1980s (Mishneh Halachot 13:164-5). Converting a Minor. Mother is Gentile, Father Jewish. 13:166: Should a Learned, Capable Teacher Leave the Soviet Union? Essas Family

R' Menashe Klein: Conversions in the USSR in the 1980s (Mishneh Halachot 13:164-5). Converting a Minor. Mother is Gentile, Father Jewish. 13:166: Should a Learned, Capable Teacher Leave the Soviet Union? Essas Family

Update: 2024-11-10


R' Menashe Klein: Conversions in the USSR in the 1980s (Mishneh Halachot 13:16 4-5). Converting a Minor. Mother is Gentile, Father Jewish. 13:16 6: Should a Learned, Capable Teacher Leave the Soviet Union? Essas Family - Nov 10, 2024 - Bnei Noach have chelek be-Olam ha-Ba ke-Yisrael. Converting children al da'at bet din for day school attendance where mother not Jewish. R' Moshe: With good teachers, convert. Is Israel a better or worse environment for this than the US? Mishneh Halachot 13:16 4: Timna married Esau because of her rejection by Avraham & Amalek was born vs. Moshe accepting Erev Rav. R' Menashe Klein: Don't convert gentiles. 13:16 5: What if father is Jewish, mother not? Ben Gurion hated the period of exile but we survived great difficulties in galut. Student in Machon Gold with Jewish mother & Italian father nevertheless wanted conversion because of Rashi. R' Menashe: Gentile girl named Gitel: Evaluate her case. Ezra 10:3: Gentile mothers & their children sent away, but Ruth was not. Using slavery to remove mamzerut status shows zera Yisrael is very important & thus a mamzer is not sent away. R' Menashe: Convert in gentile mother cases if there is sincerity. 13:16 6: A Jew in Russia is a learned teacher, should he leave USSR? Story of Elya Essas, a learned teacher. R' Menashe: Leave USSR (pikuach nefesh) preferably to Israel. Description of Russian Jewish society in Israel now. Eat matzah & then maror.








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R' Menashe Klein: Conversions in the USSR in the 1980s (Mishneh Halachot 13:164-5). Converting a Minor. Mother is Gentile, Father Jewish. 13:166: Should a Learned, Capable Teacher Leave the Soviet Union? Essas Family

R' Menashe Klein: Conversions in the USSR in the 1980s (Mishneh Halachot 13:164-5). Converting a Minor. Mother is Gentile, Father Jewish. 13:166: Should a Learned, Capable Teacher Leave the Soviet Union? Essas Family

Rakeffet-Rothkoff, Rabbi Dr. Aaron