Raewyn's home waterbirth to Hartley
A straight forward smooth homebirth for a first baby – it doesn’t get any better.
Raewyn shares with us the fact that she had started out in her pregnancy scared of birth, joined the hypnobirthing course and then did a 180 degree turn in terms of her mindset
Having initially planned a hospital birth she later felt confident to proceed with a home birth option.
The biggest message in this episode is the power of being open minded, Raewyn was essentially happy with going with the flow without being attached to a particular outcome.
She was open to her birth going down any pathway. But it ended up just how she really wanted it to be after finally going into labour 10 days past her due date.
You’ll hear about how quickly her cervix went from hard to ready and we chat about Rhesus Negative, her very special blood type and the precautions she needed to take through pregnancy and birth.
Settle in for a smooth and no twists, no curve balls story – proving that sometimes everything can go just right.
If you too would like a 180degree mindset shift or would like to learn skills for pregnancy, birth and for life moving forward you can find a range of course options at www.positivebirths.co.nz.