#Railnatter Episode 239: Vancouver's SkyTrain and what we can learn from it
I'm delighted to say we're joined this week by genuine Vancouverite Cariad Heather Keigher, who takes us on a tour of the SkyTrain and the messy history that created it. Don't worry though - it's actually very good!
We chart the fall of the interurbans and the rise of this not-a-gadgetbahn system as it grew across the city, and consider what's next in store for Vancouver. There's a lot for us to learn, positive and negative, and it's all wrapped up in this week's episode.
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You can also buy my book #HowTheRailwaysWillFixTheFuture: https://repeaterbooks.com/product/how-the-railways-will-fix-the-future-rediscovering-the-essential-brilliance-of-the-iron-road/