Renewing the Mind (part 2)
The mind, which contains our thoughts (ideas, beliefs, opinions, images, and memories) also contains our feelings (emotions, sensations, and desires).
Too often our feelings are allowed to dictate the direction of our life, our decisions, our habits, and our identity.
This is unfortunate, because while feelings can be great servants, they make terrible masters.
In the interest of pursuing a transformation of character and becoming more like Jesus, we need to give great consideration to our feelings, particularly our desires.
Join us as we discuss what seems to be very timely and relevant, given the US presidential election and all the big feelings that come with it.
In this episode we also covered the potential we have to become people whose joy and peace are not reliant upon the quality of our circumstances, which can fluctuate from day to day, but on the quality of the character of Jesus, who is always good and always faithful.