Responding to Evil, Trump's Orders, and The Traitors // In the News
How can church leaders think wisely about stories of evil? Should we hold church and political leaders to the same standard? What can we learn from The Traitors?
In this episode, Phil Topham (Executive Director), Adrian Reynolds (Head of National Ministries), and John Stevens (National Director), discuss the stories in the news.
You can watch a video of this epoisode and get more resources for church leaders on the FIEC website.
About In:Dependence: In:Dependence is FIEC’s official podcast, where you’ll hear teaching and resources for church leaders from the FIEC Ministry Team and guests from FIEC churches and partners.
About FIEC: We are a fellowship of Independent churches with members of the family across England, Scotland and Wales. Our mission is to see those Independent churches working together with a big vision: to reach Britain for Christ.
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00:00 - FIEC update
07:42 - Thinking wisely and responding to violence and evil
21:21 - Donald Trump's executive orders
28:44 - Lessons from The Traitors