Rockin' The House
I am 20 and playing lead guitar.
I am by far the worst musician in the band.
They likely would have been a house-hold name if they had not been saddled with me.
We played together for a year, and thank god You Tube had not been invented - my children would not survive the embarrassment.
There was this one gig. We were wedged between two head banging acts - but the crowd had a few friendly faces
And out there.
for one night
we rocked the house.
And I was a rock-n-roller
Or at least that was my experience of it.
27 years later I am on Grace Farms.
We are throwing a party
- a dinner
- an event.
I am - by far – the least important person in the execution of
I safely report to you: we rocked the house.
It was awesome.