Russia's Unstoppable Dominance In The Shifting Middle East
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In this video, we delve deep into the shifting dynamics of the Middle East and challenge the prevailing notion of Russia's isolation. As the era of US influence and dominance gradually gives way, experts and geopolitical analysts agree on one fact - the Middle East is undergoing a significant geopolitical shift. The ever-changing attitudes and energies in this volatile region already exert a profound impact on global affairs, causing ripples in the realm of geopolitics and intensifying international relations amongst major powers. This shift not only strains the already delicate ties between the world's key players - China, Russia, and the United States - but also among crucial regional actors within the greater Middle East. Contrary to the prevailing myths and misconceptions, Russia's isolation is far from absolute.
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About David:
Dr. Oualaalou served a fifteen-year career in the United States Armed Forces in support of the US government’s security agencies in Washington DC and around the world. His primary roles include security policy, intelligence analysis, security operations advice including leadership and managerial operations. He advised high-profile U.S. military and civilian officials on security issues, economic trends, and foreign military threat information. He has written many articles and books including his latest, The Dynamics of Russia’s Geopolitics: Remaking the Global Order.
About Elizabeth:
Elizabeth graduated with a degree in Global Business. She visited corporations in China, India and South Korea among others. Elizabeth is a successful entrepreneur and business consultant. She has visited many countries on four continents including: Asia, North America, South America and Europe. She speaks different languages, her passion is exploring ancient cultures.
Tuesday 12:00 noon CST /1PM ET/10AM PST/ 5PM GMT
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