S 3 Ep. 7 John Hanrahan---Tricia Barker's Conversations with Near-Death Experiencers
To sign up for the 3rd Annual Online NDE Summit, click below. The live portion is free this year due to all the suffering we want to add healing to in this world. John Hanrahan will be speaking this year! https://www.onlineneardeathexperiencesummit.com/3rd-annual-online-near-death-experience-summit
To learn more about John Hanrahan and his new book "Wrestling with Angels," you can visit his website. https://www.johnhanrahan.com/
Here is the link to the non-profit organization that John mentioned which is a resource to assist those in need to find affordable and reputable Treatment and Recovery solutions for addicts and their families. https://www.recoveryangel.org/
Thank you so much for your interest and support of my memoir, Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation. I love hearing from readers. The memoir is available as a paperback, e-book and Audible. https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Angels-in-the-OR/Tricia-Barker/9781642931594
I would love to stay in touch with you on social media. Here are my links.
Website: https://triciabarkernde.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TriciaBarkerNDE/?pnref=lhc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/triciabarker_nde/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TriciaTeacher
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tricia-barker-44953b21/