S02E25 - Horrors of the Black Ring (Goosebumps Series 2000 #18)
Andy and Alyssa read Goosebumps Series 2000 #18: Horrors of the Black Ring. Along they way, they discuss HR Giger’s jewelry box; slow deaths; sociopathic joiners; Barbie rating scales; A Dangerous Son; unrequited love; Angel; Maria Bafmord; Shrill; corruption; possession; ruining school events; Never Been Kissed; Grease; Daria; cursed rings; passing on a curse; The Ring; Breaking Bad; Monkeybone; Problematic Teachers; The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie; Hangsaman; Confessions; Matilda; Loving Annabelle; transitional objects; scary children; The Bad Seed; the tv show “The Baby”; The Outsider; symbolically significant art objects; Aleister Crowley; Horrors of the Black Museum; & the carnivalesque.. // Music by Haunted Corpse // Follow @saypodanddie on Twitter and Instagram, and get in touch at saypodanddie@gmail.com
Follow @saypodanddie on Instagram, and get in touch at saypodanddie@gmail.com // Theme music by Haunted Corpose