DiscoverCrimes of the CenturiesS4 Ep14: Voyage of the Damned: The M.S. St. Louis
S4 Ep14: Voyage of the Damned: The M.S. St. Louis

S4 Ep14: Voyage of the Damned: The M.S. St. Louis

Update: 2024-06-033


This episode of Crimes of the Centuries explores the harrowing story of the MS St. Louis, a ship carrying 937 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany in 1939. Despite having valid visas, the passengers were denied entry to Cuba due to a presidential decree barring further refugees. The ship's captain, Gustav Schroeder, a German who defied Nazi protocol by treating his Jewish passengers with respect, faced a difficult decision: return to Germany, where many would face certain death, or find another haven. The episode details the desperate efforts of the passengers, the Joint Committee, and various officials to find a solution, including attempts to secure entry to the United States, Canada, and other countries. The story highlights the hypocrisy of nations criticizing German anti-Semitism while refusing to accept Jewish refugees. The episode also explores the emotional toll on the passengers, including the suicide of Max Loova, a Jewish lawyer who had escaped a concentration camp. Ultimately, after weeks of uncertainty and despair, the passengers were reluctantly accepted by European countries, but many of those who returned to Europe perished in Nazi concentration camps. The episode concludes with a poignant reflection on the tragedy of the St. Louis, a stark reminder of the human cost of indifference and the importance of standing up against injustice.



This Chapter introduces the concept of "crimes of the century" and the show's focus on lesser-known cases that were significant at the time they occurred. The episode's host, Amber Hunt, a journalist and author, sets the stage for the story of the MS St. Louis.

The Voyage of the MS St. Louis

This Chapter details the journey of the MS St. Louis, a ship carrying 937 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany in 1939. The passengers, desperate to escape persecution, had obtained exit visas from Germany and entry visas to Cuba. The chapter describes the passengers' hopes and anxieties as they left Germany and sailed towards their supposed haven.

Cuba's Denial and the Passengers' Despair

This Chapter recounts the Cuban government's decision to deny entry to the MS St. Louis passengers, citing a presidential decree barring further refugees. The chapter explores the reasons behind Cuba's decision, including political pressures and fears of economic strain. The passengers' despair and fear of returning to Germany are highlighted, as they faced the grim reality of their situation.

The Search for Refuge and the World's Indifference

This Chapter details the desperate efforts of the passengers, the Joint Committee, and various officials to find a solution to the crisis. The chapter explores the attempts to secure entry to the United States, Canada, and other countries, highlighting the hypocrisy of nations criticizing German anti-Semitism while refusing to accept Jewish refugees. The chapter also explores the emotional toll on the passengers, including the suicide of Max Loova.

The Negotiations and the Final Destination

This Chapter recounts the negotiations between Cuban officials and various parties, including the Joint Committee, to find a solution for the passengers. The chapter highlights the financial demands made by Cuba and the reluctance of other countries to accept the refugees. Ultimately, after weeks of uncertainty and despair, the passengers were reluctantly accepted by European countries.

The Aftermath and the Legacy of the St. Louis

This Chapter explores the aftermath of the St. Louis incident, including the fate of the passengers who returned to Europe and the impact of the tragedy on the world. The chapter highlights the human cost of indifference and the importance of standing up against injustice. The episode concludes with a poignant reflection on the legacy of the St. Louis, a stark reminder of the dangers of prejudice and the need for compassion.


MS St. Louis

The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner that carried 937 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany in 1939. The ship was denied entry to Cuba, leading to a desperate search for refuge and a tragic journey that exposed the world's indifference to the plight of Jewish refugees. The story of the MS St. Louis is a powerful reminder of the human cost of prejudice and the importance of standing up against injustice.

Jewish refugees

Jewish refugees were people of Jewish descent who fled Nazi Germany and other parts of Europe during the 1930s and 1940s to escape persecution. They faced discrimination, violence, and the threat of extermination. The story of the MS St. Louis highlights the plight of Jewish refugees and the challenges they faced in finding safe haven.

Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany was the totalitarian regime that ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the Nazi Party implemented a policy of systematic persecution and extermination of Jews, known as the Holocaust. The story of the MS St. Louis is a tragic reminder of the horrors of Nazi Germany and the importance of fighting against intolerance and hate.


Cuba is an island nation located in the Caribbean Sea. In 1939, the Cuban government denied entry to the MS St. Louis, a ship carrying 937 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. The decision was based on a presidential decree barring further refugees and was influenced by political pressures and fears of economic strain. The story of the MS St. Louis highlights the role of Cuba in the tragedy and the complexities of international relations during the era.


The Holocaust was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. It was a horrific event in human history, characterized by genocide, mass murder, and the systematic dehumanization of Jews. The story of the MS St. Louis is a tragic reminder of the Holocaust and the importance of remembering and learning from this dark chapter in history.

World War II

World War II was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the vast majority of the world's countries, including all of the great powers, eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. The story of the MS St. Louis takes place in the context of World War II, highlighting the global political climate and the challenges faced by refugees during this tumultuous period.

Refugee crisis

A refugee crisis is a situation in which a large number of people are forced to flee their homes due to war, persecution, or natural disasters. The story of the MS St. Louis highlights the refugee crisis that unfolded during World War II and the challenges faced by refugees in finding safe haven. The story also raises important questions about the responsibility of nations to provide refuge to those in need.

Human rights

Human rights are the fundamental rights and freedoms that all human beings are entitled to, regardless of their race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. The story of the MS St. Louis highlights the violation of human rights faced by Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany and the importance of upholding these rights for all.


Indifference is a lack of interest or concern. The story of the MS St. Louis highlights the indifference of the world to the plight of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. The tragedy serves as a reminder of the dangers of apathy and the importance of empathy and compassion.


  • What was the MS St. Louis and why was it significant?

    The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner that carried 937 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany in 1939. The ship was denied entry to Cuba, leading to a desperate search for refuge and a tragic journey that exposed the world's indifference to the plight of Jewish refugees. The story of the MS St. Louis is a powerful reminder of the human cost of prejudice and the importance of standing up against injustice.

  • Why were the passengers of the MS St. Louis denied entry to Cuba?

    The passengers of the MS St. Louis were denied entry to Cuba due to a presidential decree barring further refugees. The decision was influenced by political pressures and fears of economic strain. The Cuban government was concerned about the potential impact of accepting a large number of refugees on its economy and social fabric.

  • What were the challenges faced by the passengers of the MS St. Louis after being denied entry to Cuba?

    The passengers of the MS St. Louis faced a desperate situation after being denied entry to Cuba. They were forced to remain on the ship, uncertain of their future and facing the grim reality of returning to Nazi Germany. They endured weeks of uncertainty, despair, and fear, as they searched for a safe haven.

  • What role did the Joint Committee play in the story of the MS St. Louis?

    The Joint Committee, a Jewish relief organization, played a crucial role in the story of the MS St. Louis. They worked tirelessly to find a solution for the passengers, negotiating with various governments and organizations to secure their entry into other countries. They also provided support and assistance to the passengers during their ordeal.

  • What was the response of the United States to the plight of the MS St. Louis passengers?

    The United States government refused to allow the MS St. Louis passengers to disembark in the country. This decision was influenced by public opinion, which was largely against accepting more European refugees. The U.S. government's inaction is a stark reminder of the dangers of indifference and the importance of standing up for human rights.

  • What was the ultimate fate of the passengers of the MS St. Louis?

    After weeks of uncertainty and despair, the passengers of the MS St. Louis were reluctantly accepted by European countries. However, many of those who returned to Europe perished in Nazi concentration camps. The tragedy of the MS St. Louis highlights the human cost of prejudice and the importance of providing refuge to those in need.

  • What is the legacy of the MS St. Louis?

    The story of the MS St. Louis is a tragic reminder of the dangers of prejudice and the importance of providing refuge to those in need. It highlights the hypocrisy of nations criticizing persecution while refusing to accept refugees. The tragedy also serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up against injustice and fighting for human rights.

  • What lessons can we learn from the story of the MS St. Louis?

    The story of the MS St. Louis teaches us the importance of empathy, compassion, and standing up for human rights. It highlights the dangers of indifference and the need to provide refuge to those fleeing persecution. The tragedy serves as a reminder of the importance of remembering and learning from the past to prevent similar atrocities from happening again.

Show Notes

The 937 passengers aboard the M.S. St. Louis had every reason to be optimistic as they left Hamburg, Germany, on May 13, 1939. After years of their rights being slowly stripped away, the Jewish men, women and children felt lucky to be sailing off to start anew in Cuba. But once they spotted their destination, a new nightmare began.

"Crimes of the Centuries" is a podcast from Grab Bag Collab exploring forgotten crimes from times past that made a mark and helped change history


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S4 Ep14: Voyage of the Damned: The M.S. St. Louis

S4 Ep14: Voyage of the Damned: The M.S. St. Louis

Amber Hunt