S4E2 Trusting After Harm
Is closure a myth? Do we have to be emotionally open with ALL the people we know? What is a healthy amount of acceptance? These are the questions that Big Wind, Dalia, Julia, Kiam and I talked about navigating. I think we all ask these questions when trying to trust after harm and experiencing grief. What we don't always talk about is how very human and natural these experiences and thoughts are.
Big Wind(they/them) was born at the headwaters of the Missouri River to A Northern Arapaho mother and Gros Ventre father in Great Falls, Montana. Big Wind was raised on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming and enjoys being outdoors, hiking, and swimming in the nearest water way. As a Indigenous Two Spirit, they believe in the art of balancing both masculine and feminine energies, and how taping into that power, can lead to a more balanced approach to accountability and transformative justice.
Dalia Kinsey(no pronouns) is a Registered Dietitian and creator of the Body Liberation for All podcast, a show dedicated to amplifying the health and happiness of LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC folx. On a mission to spread joy, reduce suffering, and eliminate health disparities in the QTBIPOC community, Dalia rejects diet culture (which is rooted in white supremacy) and teaches folks how to use nutrition as a self-care and personal empowerment tool.
Julia Mallory(she/they) is a storyteller and grief worker working with a range of mediums from text to textiles. Their latest book, Survivor’s Guilt is an archive of survivorship that chronicles generational grief through photographs, poetry, and prose. She is also the founder of the creative container, Black Mermaids and serves as the Senior Poetry Editor for Raising Mothers. Their work can be found in Barrelhouse, The Offing, the Black Speculative Arts Movement exhibition "Curating the End of the World: RED SPRING”, Stellium Literary Magazine, MadameNoire, and elsewhere. Their short, experimental film, Grief is the Glitch, premiered this spring on the film festival circuit.
Kiam Marcelo Junio(they/them) (b. Philippines) is a multimedia artist, holistic wellness coach, and a US Navy veteran. As an artist, Kiam explores themes of corporeality, identity, and time. Their work eludes rigid definitions of discipline, exploring and expressing through all five senses. Kiam also coaches creative professionals committed to developing healthy habits, a confident presence, and fulfilling relationships. Their mission is rooted in helping people create changes in their inner and outer worlds by developing deep self-knowledge, sustainable self-love, and authentic self-expression. Kiam envisions a world where artists lead the way, forging new paths for future generations.
IG @BigWindRiver | Paypal AKABigWind T
Website daliakinsey.substack.com
IG @thejuliamallory | CashApp $Blackmermaids | Website blackmermaids.com
IG @iamkiam| Venmo @iamkiam | Website mahalhealingarts.com
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