DiscoverWhat's The JuiceS5E16 Mouth Breathing, What Your Dentist Isn’t Telling You & The Truth About Fluoride | Dr. Staci Whitman
S5E16 Mouth Breathing, What Your Dentist Isn’t Telling You & The Truth About Fluoride | Dr. Staci Whitman

S5E16 Mouth Breathing, What Your Dentist Isn’t Telling You & The Truth About Fluoride | Dr. Staci Whitman

Update: 2024-06-03


Dr. Stacy Whitman, a functional dentist and airway specialist, joins the podcast to discuss the importance of oral health and its connection to overall health. She emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to prevent cavities, gum disease, and other oral issues. Dr. Whitman shares her journey from advocating for water fluoridation to embracing nanohydroxyapatite as a safer alternative. She explains the science behind nanohydroxyapatite and how it can protect teeth. The conversation delves into the oral microbiome and its impact on hormones, fertility, and overall health. Dr. Whitman highlights the importance of a healthy oral microbiome and how it can be influenced by diet, breathing, and oral care products. She emphasizes the need to avoid harsh oral care products that can disrupt the beneficial bacteria in the mouth. Dr. Whitman also discusses the importance of nasal breathing and how mouth breathing can contribute to oral health issues. She provides insights into the connection between mouth breathing, snoring, and under-mineralized enamel. Dr. Whitman shares her recommendations for supporting oral health during pregnancy, including the importance of vitamin D, K2, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and omega-3s. She also discusses the importance of seeing a dentist by the age of one to address potential tongue ties, lip ties, and oral motor dysfunction. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to prioritize their oral health and seek out functional dentists who can provide personalized care. This chapter delves into the importance of establishing healthy oral habits early in life, emphasizing the impact of early microbiome development. Dr. Whitman shares her personal experience and the importance of education in preventing oral health issues. The conversation then explores the role of diet in oral health, highlighting the importance of limiting processed foods and the potential benefits of an ancestral diet. Dr. Whitman also discusses the potential downsides of fluoride and her journey from being a proponent to an advocate against it. She shares her concerns about fluoride's impact on the body, particularly its potential neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption. Dr. Whitman then introduces nanohydroxyapatite as a safer alternative to fluoride, explaining its benefits for remineralization and microbiome balance. She also discusses other advancements in dentistry, such as BPA-free fillings, peptides for tooth regeneration, ozone therapy, and laser dentistry. The episode concludes with Dr. Whitman sharing her personal morning and evening oral routines, emphasizing the importance of finding what works best for each individual. She also discusses the benefits of oil pulling, tongue scraping, and water flossing, and provides recommendations for maintaining a healthy oral microbiome.



This Chapter introduces Dr. Stacy Whitman, a functional dentist and airway specialist, as the guest on the podcast. The host highlights Dr. Whitman's unique expertise in functional dentistry and airway health, emphasizing the growing understanding of the connection between oral health and overall well-being.

The Importance of Functional Dentistry

This Chapter delves into Dr. Whitman's journey from traditional dentistry to functional dentistry. She shares her dissatisfaction with the traditional approach, which often focused on treating symptoms rather than addressing root causes. Dr. Whitman explains how she found a greater sense of purpose in functional dentistry, where she can empower patients to take control of their oral health and prevent future issues.

The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health

This Chapter explores the interconnectedness of oral health and overall health. Dr. Whitman shares a personal anecdote about a patient who struggled with recurring cavities and periodontal disease, highlighting the importance of addressing emotional health and lifestyle factors in oral care. She emphasizes the need to bridge the gap between traditional medicine and dentistry, recognizing that these two fields are often treated as separate entities.

The Oral Microbiome and Inflammation

This Chapter focuses on the role of the oral microbiome in overall health. Dr. Whitman explains how an imbalance in the oral microbiome can lead to inflammation throughout the body, potentially contributing to various health issues, including gut dysbiosis, metabolic disease, and even fertility challenges. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the mouth and how this can be achieved through diet, oral care practices, and lifestyle choices.

The Mechanism of Oral Bacteria and Inflammation

This Chapter delves into the scientific mechanisms behind how oral bacteria can contribute to inflammation. Dr. Whitman explains the concept of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and how they act as toxins when released from pathogenic bacteria. She describes how these toxins can travel throughout the body, potentially impacting various systems and contributing to chronic inflammation.

Balancing the Oral Microbiome

This Chapter focuses on strategies for balancing the oral microbiome and reducing the load of pathogenic bacteria. Dr. Whitman emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach that includes dietary changes, oral care practices, and lifestyle modifications. She encourages listeners to shift away from the "kill, kill, kill" mentality of traditional oral care and embrace a more nurturing approach that supports the growth of beneficial bacteria.

The Importance of Nasal Breathing

This Chapter highlights the importance of nasal breathing for oral health. Dr. Whitman explains how mouth breathing can dry out the mouth, creating an environment that is hospitable to pathogenic bacteria. She emphasizes the connection between mouth breathing, snoring, and under-mineralized enamel, and encourages listeners to pay attention to their breathing patterns.

The Silent Epidemic of Under-Mineralized Teeth

This Chapter addresses the growing concern of under-mineralized teeth in children. Dr. Whitman explains how this condition can make teeth more susceptible to cavities and other oral health issues. She discusses potential contributing factors, including mineral depletion in soil, microplastics, and hormonal disruptions. Dr. Whitman emphasizes the importance of supporting oral health during pregnancy by ensuring adequate intake of essential nutrients, including vitamin D, K2, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and omega-3s.

Early Oral Habits and Microbiome Development

This Chapter delves into the importance of establishing healthy oral habits early in life, emphasizing the impact of early microbiome development. Dr. Whitman shares her personal experience and the importance of education in preventing oral health issues.

Diet and Oral Health

This Chapter explores the role of diet in oral health, highlighting the importance of limiting processed foods and the potential benefits of an ancestral diet. Dr. Whitman also discusses the potential downsides of fluoride and her journey from being a proponent to an advocate against it.

Fluoride and its Alternatives

This Chapter focuses on the potential downsides of fluoride and Dr. Whitman's journey from being a proponent to an advocate against it. She shares her concerns about fluoride's impact on the body, particularly its potential neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption. Dr. Whitman then introduces nanohydroxyapatite as a safer alternative to fluoride, explaining its benefits for remineralization and microbiome balance.

Advancements in Dentistry

This Chapter discusses other advancements in dentistry, such as BPA-free fillings, peptides for tooth regeneration, ozone therapy, and laser dentistry.

Oral Routines and Microbiome Support

This Chapter concludes with Dr. Whitman sharing her personal morning and evening oral routines, emphasizing the importance of finding what works best for each individual. She also discusses the benefits of oil pulling, tongue scraping, and water flossing, and provides recommendations for maintaining a healthy oral microbiome.


Functional Dentistry

A holistic approach to dentistry that focuses on addressing the root causes of oral health issues, rather than just treating symptoms. Functional dentists consider the interconnectedness of oral health with overall health, taking into account factors such as diet, lifestyle, and emotional well-being.

Airway Specialist

A healthcare professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of airway disorders, including sleep apnea, snoring, and mouth breathing. Airway specialists often work with dentists, orthodontists, and other healthcare providers to address structural and functional issues that can affect breathing.

Oral Microbiome

The community of microorganisms that live in the mouth. The oral microbiome plays a crucial role in oral health and can influence overall health by contributing to inflammation, gut dysbiosis, and other systemic issues. A healthy oral microbiome is characterized by a balanced ratio of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria.


A naturally occurring mineral that is often used as an alternative to fluoride in toothpaste and other oral care products. Nanohydroxyapatite is believed to be a safer and more effective way to protect teeth from decay and promote remineralization. It works by strengthening enamel and providing a protective barrier against acids.

Mouth Breathing

The act of breathing through the mouth, rather than the nose. Mouth breathing can lead to a dry mouth, which can increase the risk of cavities and other oral health issues. It can also contribute to snoring, sleep apnea, and other airway disorders.

Under-Mineralized Enamel

A condition in which the enamel of teeth is not properly mineralized, making them more susceptible to cavities and other oral health issues. Under-mineralized enamel can be caused by various factors, including mineral deficiencies, hormonal disruptions, and environmental toxins.


Tiny pieces of plastic that are found in the environment and can be ingested or inhaled. Microplastics have been linked to various health issues, including endocrine disruption, inflammation, and potential impacts on tooth development.

Vitamin D

A fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. Vitamin D deficiency is common, especially during pregnancy, and can contribute to under-mineralized enamel and other oral health issues.

Vitamin K2

A fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in bone health by helping to direct calcium to the bones. Vitamin K2 deficiency can contribute to weak bones, osteoporosis, and potentially impact tooth development.


A mineral that is essential for muscle function, nerve function, and overall health. Magnesium deficiency can contribute to muscle cramps, fatigue, and potentially impact sleep quality and airway function.


  • What is functional dentistry and how does it differ from traditional dentistry?

    Functional dentistry takes a holistic approach to oral health, focusing on addressing the root causes of issues rather than just treating symptoms. It considers factors like diet, lifestyle, and emotional well-being, while traditional dentistry often focuses on procedures like fillings and extractions.

  • How can the oral microbiome impact overall health?

    An imbalance in the oral microbiome can lead to inflammation throughout the body, potentially contributing to gut dysbiosis, metabolic disease, fertility challenges, and other systemic issues. Maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the mouth is crucial for overall well-being.

  • What are some strategies for balancing the oral microbiome?

    Balancing the oral microbiome involves a holistic approach that includes dietary changes, such as increasing prebiotic fiber and colorful foods, avoiding sugary and processed foods, and using gentle oral care products that don't disrupt beneficial bacteria. Nasal breathing, hydration, and oil pulling can also be beneficial.

  • Why is nasal breathing important for oral health?

    Nasal breathing helps maintain a moist mouth, which is essential for a healthy oral microbiome. Mouth breathing can dry out the mouth, creating an environment that is hospitable to pathogenic bacteria. It can also contribute to snoring, sleep apnea, and under-mineralized enamel.

  • What are some signs that someone might be mouth breathing?

    Signs of mouth breathing include a dry mouth upon waking, a sticky or dry feeling in the mouth, a tongue that rests low behind the lower front teeth, and noisy breathing or snoring during sleep.

  • What are some key nutrients that pregnant women should focus on to support their child's oral health?

    Pregnant women should prioritize vitamin D, K2, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, omega-3s, and vitamin A to support their child's tooth development. These nutrients play crucial roles in bone health, enamel formation, and overall well-being.

  • What are some potential causes of under-mineralized enamel in children?

    Under-mineralized enamel can be caused by various factors, including mineral depletion in soil, hormonal disruptions from microplastics, high fevers in childhood, chronic antibiotic use, and mineral deficiencies during pregnancy.

  • What are some recommendations for parents who are concerned about their child's oral health?

    Parents should prioritize a healthy diet, good oral hygiene practices, and encourage nasal breathing. It's also important to see a dentist by the age of one to address potential tongue ties, lip ties, and oral motor dysfunction.

  • What are some resources for finding a functional dentist or airway specialist?

    The Breathe Institute is a reputable organization that offers training and resources for airway-focused dentists. It's important to seek out a dentist who understands the connection between oral health and overall health and can provide personalized care.

  • What is the three-minute lip seal test and how can it help identify airway issues?

    The three-minute lip seal test involves attempting to breathe comfortably through the nose for three minutes without feeling panic. If you can't do this comfortably, it may indicate an underlying airway issue that needs to be addressed.

Show Notes

When was the last time you did a radical 180 about a long held belief? Today I’m sitting down with a brilliant dentist who was once picketing in the streets for water fluoridation — yet was courageous enough to change her mind and speak out once she dug into the data once and for all. Meet Dr. Staci Whitman, a board-certified dentist who takes a whole-body, holistic and functional approach to oral health. In this episode, Staci unpacks the surprising factors that contribute to the decline of our oral health including mouth breathing, hormones, and gut dysbiosis. She explains why these underlying root causes are ignored by conventional dentistry and exactly what we need to be asking about and advocating for at our dentist appointments.



  • Functional vs. conventional dentistry and the importance of both

  • Why dental professionals haven't introduced oral microbiome testing as a baseline for all patients 

  • How hormone imbalance is leading to an increase in cavities in women and the signs to look for in prevention

  • What LPS is and how it contributes to pathogenic bacteria overgrowth

  • The fact that we aren’t taught about healthy bacteria and are encouraged to wipe out all our bacteria with products like Listerine 

  • Why dentists are sometimes the first people to diagnose Crohn's disease and how your oral health can inform gut health

  • What a cavity is and how it forms

  • When we may be able to repair cavities without requiring fillings

  • Why mouth breathing is so detrimental to our oral health and how to retrain yourself into healthy breathing habits 

  • Resources and recommendations for the products and services we should be talking to our dentist about to be proactive about our oral health


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S5E16 Mouth Breathing, What Your Dentist Isn’t Telling You & The Truth About Fluoride | Dr. Staci Whitman

S5E16 Mouth Breathing, What Your Dentist Isn’t Telling You & The Truth About Fluoride | Dr. Staci Whitman