Sail Loot Podcast 060: Cruising Costs Monthly – Asante Sailing Money July 2017

Sail Loot Podcast 060: Cruising Costs Monthly – Asante Sailing Money July 2017

Update: 2018-05-10


I learned a lot about boating in the month of July 2017. A few snafus taught me what not to do again. A few victories taught me what to do again. Everything taught me that I really just want to be at/on Asante as much as possible.

Some boat owners hire people to clean and maintain their boats while they’re away. Not this guy.

I return to Asante after being gone for 3-4 weeks and not only are the planned projects waiting for me but so are the ones that pop up because she is sitting there alone for so long. Had I been on Asante when the power cables got stuck under the piling protective fenders I probably could have saved my batteries. I certainly would’ve given her a good scrubbing or two.

Asante is my home and she needs regular cleaning and maintenance just like any other home.

I’m getting to her every weekend now and things are much better. Here is what I had to spend some boat money on in July of 2017.

An overview of July 2017 Asante Cruising Costs with Categories

July 2017 Asante Equipment Costs, Part 1

July 2017 Asante Equipment Costs, Part 2

Asante Maintenance and Purchase Costs in July 2017

Costs of Transportation to Asante in July 2017

July 2017 Asante Fuel and Groceries

Meals and Training costs for Asante in July 2017

A Few Things You’ll Learn about my July 2017 S/V Asante Cruising Costs:

  • My total costs for the month of July 2017

  • Why I left Asante for so long.

  • What to watch out for with changing tides and docks that don’t float.

  • What happens to your batteries when your shore power has been unplugged for 3-4 weeks and you left your fans running.

  • Becoming a true sailor.

  • Alternator failures.

  • Specifics of what I spent money on.

  • And much more!

Links and Resources from this episode:

  • Amazon – where I found and purchased the majority of my items.

  • West Marine – I did end up getting some things from West Marin
In Channel








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Sail Loot Podcast 060: Cruising Costs Monthly – Asante Sailing Money July 2017

Sail Loot Podcast 060: Cruising Costs Monthly – Asante Sailing Money July 2017

Teddy J: Sailor, Online Entrepreneur, Web-Commuter, and Captain