DiscoverThe Healthy Rebellion RadioSeed Oils in Kid Foods, HMB Supplementation, Endurance | THRR184
Seed Oils in Kid Foods, HMB Supplementation, Endurance | THRR184

Seed Oils in Kid Foods, HMB Supplementation, Endurance | THRR184

Update: 2024-04-26


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News Topic:

the road to serfdom is paved with lost perspective

the road back from serfdom

Show Notes:

Train with Morpheus

Examine: HMB



HMB supplementation

Sharon writes: 

Hi Robb,

Love your podcast and your relentless skepticism for research and reviewing data.

What are your thoughts on HMB supplementation (Beta‐hydroxy‐beta‐methylbutyrate) for 55-65 year olds who are casual athletes and work full time? Trying to keep up the muscle tone as it is rapidly decreasing is a serious concern.

Thank you,


Seed Oils in Kids Foods

Allison writes: 

Hey guys, long time follower (my husband and I) , and I’ve even purchased one of your courses and have been respecting your knowledge since 2009.

I’m 41 and have three girls 5, 3, and 8mo. I’ve been carnivore for 7 weeks now, but for my family we are pretty meat-based and I post a lot on IG and in my stories about good products I find for my kids that are clean and low sugar, good oils, etc… I post because I’m in a mom group of about 150 women of kids ages 7 and under and am on the board and so many of them follow me on IG. I’m trying to educate and help in a positive way.

So I was at the playground with some friends of mine today and all our munchkins. I brought cheese and organic crackers and the topic of seed oils came up.

A friend asked about what my thoughts were on High Oliec Safflower oil. I am not well informed on this oil but I said well it sounds like a seed oil and it’s probably like all other seed oils so we would probably avoid it.

But with kids foods it’s almost impossible to find any that are super clean. We discussed how we all try our best to make things homemade that are nutrient dense and free of the crap, but often we need good choices to provide a decent snack at let’s say a park or play date.

I listened to your podcast about seed oils when eating out once in a while, but I just don’t know what you all feel about them in your foods, specifically kids foods.

For instance my organic crackers have organic palm oil. My friends crackers were just whole wheat, high Oliec safflower oil and salt. How as moms do we navigate these ingredients when we just don’t know what oils are worse? Is there a hierarchy of bad to worse seed/plant oils?

I make sourdough for my kids and will probably just make them crackers soon here. But it’s real life, we can’t do this all the time.

Is this like make or break it for you when you shop for products (theoretically)?

Any suggestions? Any opinions? Thanks!



Doug writes:

Hey Robb and Nikki obligatory love and follow you guys since you had 6 listeners gesture lol former rebel had to cut costs hopefully be back again soon now to the question I've started playing hockey again at 38 years of age after taking 20+ years off everything seems to be going ok the skills are most rust but coming back recovery from games isn't as bad as I thought it would be I can usually walk the next day lol but the thing I'm struggling with is endurance hockey is basically 60 min HIT training session where you skate as hard as possible for 2 minutes and rest for 2 minutes unfortunately I only last 30 seconds no jokes needed here and by the 3rd period I'm shot lucky to have enough in the tank for one rush up the ice. So the question how do I increase endurance for such a game not sure running 5 miles a day will help and frankly I hate running. Any help would be much appreciated!



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Seed Oils in Kid Foods, HMB Supplementation, Endurance | THRR184

Seed Oils in Kid Foods, HMB Supplementation, Endurance | THRR184