DiscoverTeekoTalksStories From Japan with Ranul Kotuwegoda | TeekoTalks #14
Stories From Japan with Ranul Kotuwegoda | TeekoTalks #14

Stories From Japan with Ranul Kotuwegoda | TeekoTalks #14

Update: 2022-01-15


[ Also available on YouTube


This episode catch Teeko talking to Ranul Kotuwegoda, joining us all the way from JAPAN! 

Ranul is a third year student at the Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Japan; majoring in Strategic Management. A prolific basketball player and avid traveler, Ranul had plenty of experiences to share with us from his three years in 'Nippon'.

 Did you know that you could greet a person at 10pm in the night with a "Good Morning"? BET you didn't! But no worries! By the end of this episode, you will know more than you will ever need to know, about the Land of the Rising Sun! 

This episode, we talk about how Ranul had to spend six months learning the basics of Japanese, given how very few people could communicate in English, and the three different alphabets in the language. There are also three distinct reasons for people that migrate into Japan (he feels), and we go on to discuss the lifestyle differences of Beppu, the city he lives in, and Tokyo, the capital. 

In terms of cultural shocks, the way the Japanese followed rules to the letter left him flabbergasted, and listen on to see why! 

Another thing that blew him away was the price of food, costing almost 10X the amount in SL (although yes, the pay is proportionate!).

 In fact, the pay is MORE than proportionate, with Ranul earning MORE than his DAD back in SL, while working just three days a week, part time!!! So far so good. But I, the Host, was left buffering when he mentioned that horsemeat was common out there- not judging- just shocked. 

As usual, we also dont forget to tackle the BIG QUESTIONS.  In terms of Racism, it's subtle. The Japanese are a very nice, helpful and respectful people, but when they do discriminate, which is ...not so common... it's...subtle. But considering how everyone follows rules except the int'ls, maybe it's justified😂😂(jk).

 Japan is a very safe country, bar a few occasions of psychotic murderers and petty pickpockets. Mental Health is a big issue among the Japanese tho. Just saying. A culture of overworking and company loyalty, leading to 'Karoshi' and stress. Did I mention the pay is good?

Also, I didn't forget to ask some of the questions YOU wanted me to, which ya'll dropped through IG, so 🤗... Listen to to the entire episode, for more on why they call their Mac, the Kollupitiya McDonalds, how some villages have never seen foreigners, how common are earthquakes, and how anything- and I mean ANYTHING- can be bought through vending machines (which is everywhere btw)... SO GO AHEAD, what are you waiting for? Happy Listening! 

To learn more about Japan, and the study opportunities in APU, you can connect with Ranul on his Instagram here.

 Also, if you're listening to this on Spotify, don't forget to answer the question!


Feel free to drop your feedback via DMs on Instagram here, email to, the voice note option on Anchor or the review option on whichever podcasting platform you're listening to this on. Have fun folks! 

(The opinions of the guests do not reflect the views of Teekotalks or the host)

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Stories From Japan with Ranul Kotuwegoda | TeekoTalks #14

Stories From Japan with Ranul Kotuwegoda | TeekoTalks #14

Teeko Luqmaan