DiscoverThe TWIML AI Podcast (formerly This Week in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence)Supercharging Developer Productivity with ChatGPT and Claude with Simon Willison - #701
Supercharging Developer Productivity with ChatGPT and Claude with Simon Willison - #701

Supercharging Developer Productivity with ChatGPT and Claude with Simon Willison - #701

Update: 2024-09-16


This podcast features an interview with Simon Willison, an independent researcher and creator of the Dataset open-source data exploration tool. The conversation focuses on Simon's experiences using generative AI tools for software development, particularly ChatGPT, Claude, and code interpreters. He shares his daily workflow, including how he uses these tools for programming, writing, and even coding while walking his dog. Simon discusses the two main modes he uses LLMs for programming: exploratory prototyping and production code generation. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of LLMs and encourages experimentation to learn their capabilities and limitations. The conversation also delves into the challenges of debugging complex code, the emergence of vision models, and the potential of AI-powered tools for automating software development tasks. Simon highlights the importance of search and retrieval in generative AI systems and discusses the open source model ecosystem, including the advantages and limitations of local models compared to hosted models. He shares his prompting strategies, scraping techniques, and strategies for staying up-to-date with the rapidly evolving AI landscape. The podcast concludes with Simon's thoughts on the future of AI and its potential impact on journalism, emphasizing the need for models with more nuanced safety filters to enable responsible use in analyzing sensitive content.


Generative AI for Developers: An Interview with Simon Willison

Sam Charrington interviews Simon Willison, an independent researcher and creator of the Dataset open-source data exploration tool, about his experiences using generative AI tools for software development. They discuss Simon's daily workflow, including his use of ChatGPT, Claude, and code interpreters, as well as his thoughts on the future of AI and its potential impact on journalism.

Simon's AI Tool Stack and Workflow

Simon shares his go-to AI tools, including ChatGPT, Claude, and code interpreters, and how he integrates them into his daily workflow for programming and other tasks. He emphasizes the importance of using the default tools to make them accessible to a wider audience.

Voice-Based Coding with LLMs

Simon describes his experience using voice mode in ChatGPT and Google Gemini for coding while walking his dog. He shares a remarkable example of using ChatGPT to write and compile a C extension for SQLite, demonstrating the power of code interpreters.

Exploring Different Programming Paradigms with LLMs

Simon discusses the two modes he uses LLMs for programming: exploratory prototyping and production code generation. He compares his experience with LLMs in familiar languages to his experience with new languages, highlighting the benefits of using LLMs as a \"weird intern\" for faster code generation.

IDE Plugins and Code Completion

Simon shares his experience using VS Code with co-pilot and cursor for code completion. He describes his workflow of using cloud web apps for prompting and then copying the generated code into co-pilot. He also discusses the potential of Claude artefacts for UI prototyping.

Mental Model for LLM Usage

Simon emphasizes the importance of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of LLMs. He encourages experimentation and playing with LLMs to learn their capabilities and limitations. He shares examples of using LLMs for cooking, writing satirical articles, and even advocating for pelicans.

When LLMs Fail and Debugging Strategies

Simon discusses situations where LLMs fail to provide helpful assistance, particularly when debugging complex code. He shares strategies for dealing with these situations, including resetting the chat, providing examples, and incorporating documentation.

Vision Models and Their Potential

Simon discusses the emergence of vision models, including GPT4 vision, Claude 3, and Gemini. He shares his experience using Gemini to analyze video footage and extract information from images. He also highlights the potential of vision models for tasks like extracting data from scanned documents.


Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, such as text, images, audio, and video. These systems are trained on massive datasets and can generate outputs that are often indistinguishable from human-created content.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

LLMs are a type of generative AI that excels at understanding and generating human language. They are trained on vast amounts of text data and can perform tasks like translation, summarization, and code generation.

Code Interpreter

A feature of some LLMs that allows them to execute code, such as Python, and provide the results. This enables LLMs to perform complex tasks that require computational power, such as data analysis and visualization.

Prompt Engineering

The art and science of crafting effective prompts for LLMs to elicit desired outputs. This involves understanding the model's capabilities, limitations, and biases, and designing prompts that are clear, concise, and specific.

Vision Models

LLMs that are trained on both text and image data, enabling them to understand and generate visual content. These models can perform tasks like image captioning, object recognition, and video analysis.

Agentic AI

AI systems that can act autonomously and perform tasks without direct human intervention. This concept is often associated with AI agents that can learn, adapt, and make decisions based on their environment.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

A technique that combines LLMs with information retrieval systems to access and integrate external knowledge into their outputs. This allows LLMs to generate more accurate and informative responses by leveraging a wider range of data sources.

Vector Embeddings

Mathematical representations of words, phrases, or documents in a multi-dimensional space. These embeddings capture semantic relationships between words and can be used for tasks like search, similarity matching, and clustering.

Open Source Models

LLMs that are made available to the public under open-source licenses, allowing researchers and developers to access, modify, and distribute the models. This fosters innovation and competition in the AI field.


  • What are some of Simon's go-to AI tools for software development?

    Simon uses ChatGPT, Claude, and code interpreters on a daily basis for programming and other tasks. He prefers using the default tools to make them accessible to a wider audience.

  • How does Simon use voice mode in LLMs for coding?

    Simon uses voice mode in ChatGPT and Google Gemini to code while walking his dog. He can dictate code, test it using code interpreters, and copy the results into an editor.

  • What are the two modes Simon uses LLMs for programming?

    Simon uses LLMs for exploratory prototyping, where he explores different options and quickly builds prototypes, and for production code generation, where he uses LLMs as a \"weird intern\" to generate code faster.

  • What are some of Simon's strategies for dealing with LLMs that fail to provide helpful assistance?

    Simon resets the chat, provides examples, and incorporates documentation to help LLMs understand the context and provide more accurate responses.

  • What are some of the potential applications of vision models in software development?

    Vision models can be used for tasks like analyzing video footage, extracting information from images, and converting scanned documents into structured data.

  • What are the challenges of building reliable research assistants using LLMs?

    Building reliable research assistants requires overcoming challenges like hallucination, ensuring accurate retrieval of information, and handling complex multi-step research plans.

  • What are the advantages and limitations of open source models compared to hosted models?

    Open source models offer flexibility and control but may not be as advanced as hosted models. Hosted models are often more powerful and convenient but may have limitations in terms of customization and privacy.

  • What are some of Simon's strategies for staying up-to-date with the rapidly evolving AI landscape?

    Simon writes about AI, follows key accounts on social media, and participates in private communities to stay informed about the latest developments.

  • What are some of Simon's thoughts on the future of AI and its impact on journalism?

    Simon is excited about the potential of AI to enhance journalism, particularly for analyzing sensitive content and extracting data from scanned documents. He believes that open source models with more nuanced safety filters will be crucial for responsible AI usage in journalism.

Show Notes

Today, we're joined by Simon Willison, independent researcher and creator of Datasette to discuss the many ways software developers and engineers can take advantage of large language models (LLMs) to boost their productivity. We dig into Simon’s own workflows and how he uses popular models like ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude to write and test hundreds of lines of code while out walking his dog. We review Simon’s favorite prompting and debugging techniques, his strategies for sidestepping the limitations of contemporary models, how he uses Claude’s Artifacts feature for rapid prototyping, his thoughts on the use and impact of vision models, the role he sees for open source models and local LLMs, and much more.

The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

In Channel

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Supercharging Developer Productivity with ChatGPT and Claude with Simon Willison - #701

Supercharging Developer Productivity with ChatGPT and Claude with Simon Willison - #701

Sam Charrington