DiscoverThe Inspiring TalkSwami Mukundananda on Spirituality, Science of Mind Management and Delayed Gratification: TIT102
Swami Mukundananda on Spirituality, Science of Mind Management and Delayed Gratification: TIT102

Swami Mukundananda on Spirituality, Science of Mind Management and Delayed Gratification: TIT102

Update: 2020-11-05


Swami Mukundananda is a world-renowned teacher of Spirituality, Yoga, and Meditation. He is the founder of the yogic system called JKYog also known as Yoga for the Body, Mind, and Soul.
He went to the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Management (IIM and had a promising corporate career. But, that did not quench his thirst for knowing the Absolute Truth. He renounced his career and travelled throughout India as a sanyasi learning about the various religious traditions and schools of philosophy in India.
Swami Mukundananda has inspired people all over the world, on the path of spirituality, holistic health, yoga, meditation and service to society. He has come up with a new book titled The Science of Mind management where he shares how you can win the inner battle of your mind and achieve success in life.
On this episode, we discuss the science of mind management and how to manage negative thoughts, we dive into spirituality and talk about how to balance material and spiritual world, how to find the ultimate happiness in your life, delay gratification and a lot more.

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Swami Mukundananda on Spirituality, Science of Mind Management and Delayed Gratification: TIT102

Swami Mukundananda on Spirituality, Science of Mind Management and Delayed Gratification: TIT102

Bijay Gautam