Systemic Inequities in Population Health
Profound Conversations views racism not as an attribute of minority groups; rather, as an aspect of the social context and is linked with the differential power relations among racial and ethnic groups. Most studies of racism are based on African American samples; however, other populations may be at risk for manifestations of racism that differ from the African American experience. Asians, Hispanics, and, more recently, Arabs and Muslims are subject to similar inequitable opportunities in health and health care.
Show Topics and Highlights
Today, we will explore how structural, institutional interpersonal, and internalized racism influences racial disparities and health, and how they have been heightened by COVID-19 pandemic.
I appreciate that the author is telling us to step back and look at the entire picture of the person. When speaking about health, it's not just your blood pressure, and your cholesterol levels. It's the entirety of the person.
When we think about racism, actually interpersonal, for me, is the one that's probably the most common.
If we recognize that folks in positions of authority are not willing to make these changes, are not willing to do what we know they should, then we need to be brave enough to vote them out of office.
I can't just take anything for granted. Well, I'm a black woman, so every person in Baltimore who comes through the door should listen to me. It doesn't work that way.
How do you go about inspiring trust in the medical community?
I think at the end of the day, we are all human beings, right? We all have value. And the sooner that we recognize that and appreciate value in others, and are committed to doing the right things, because we inherently each have value.
We have to keep the conversation going.
Profound Conversations Executive Producers are the Muslim Life Planning Institute, a national community building organization whose mission is to establish pathways to lifelong learning and healthy communities at the local, national and global level.
The Profound Conversations podcast is produced by Erika Christie
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.