DiscoverTrue SunlightTSP #57 - ‘40 Days and 40 Nights’: 911 Call and Reports Show Harassment and Stalking Patterns in Mica Francis Case + How The Medical Examiner Failed Mica
TSP #57 - ‘40 Days and 40 Nights’: 911 Call and Reports Show Harassment and Stalking Patterns in Mica Francis Case + How The Medical Examiner Failed Mica

TSP #57 - ‘40 Days and 40 Nights’: 911 Call and Reports Show Harassment and Stalking Patterns in Mica Francis Case + How The Medical Examiner Failed Mica

Update: 2024-07-044


This episode of True Sunlight delves into the recently released medical examiner's report on Micah Francis's death, raising serious concerns about the investigation's lack of thoroughness. The report, which was released on bright yellow paper, states that an autopsy was not warranted due to no concern for foul play. However, the podcast hosts highlight several inconsistencies and questionable details within the report, including the lack of a comprehensive toxicology report, the inclusion of seemingly irrelevant investigatory details, and the omission of crucial information about Micah's history of harassment and stalking by her estranged husband, JP Miller. The episode also reveals a disturbing pattern of harassment and stalking by JP Miller against his ex-wife, Ellison Williams, which further validates Micah's own accusations against him. The hosts discuss multiple police reports filed by Ellison, detailing JP's relentless pursuit, including showing up at her work, church, and home, and even attempting to move in across the street from her. The episode concludes with a call for systemic changes within law enforcement to address the pattern of dismissal and lack of accountability in cases of domestic violence, harassment, and stalking, ensuring that no other woman has to feel alone and helpless in such situations.


Introduction and Luna Shark Plus/Premium

This Chapter introduces the podcast True Sunlight, formerly known as the Murdoch Martyrs podcast, and highlights the importance of supporting their mission to expose crime and corruption. It also promotes Luna Shark Plus and Luna Shark Premium, membership options for ad-free listening and exclusive content.

Happy Independence Day and the First Amendment

This Chapter celebrates Independence Day and emphasizes the importance of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech, press, assembly, and petition. The hosts discuss the power of the First Amendment and its role in protecting journalists and their work, highlighting the case of the Australian podcast Teachers Pet, which was forced off the air at the request of the government.

Micah Francis Case Updates: JP Miller's Tattoo and Protests

This Chapter provides updates on the Micah Francis case, including the controversy surrounding JP Miller's tattoo of Micah's signature on his torso. The hosts discuss the significance of the tattoo in the context of coercive control and the allegations of abuse against JP. They also mention the ongoing protests outside Solid Rock Ministries, where Micah attended church, and the incidents of harassment that protesters have faced.

The Bizarre Medical Examiner's Report

This Chapter focuses on the recently released medical examiner's report on Micah's death. The hosts express their disappointment and frustration with the report, which they believe is incomplete and lacks thoroughness. They highlight several inconsistencies and questionable details within the report, including the lack of an autopsy, the omission of crucial information about Micah's history of harassment and stalking, and the inclusion of seemingly irrelevant investigatory details.

Cup of Justice: Legal Expertise and the Justice System

This Chapter promotes Cup of Justice, a podcast that provides legal expertise and insights into the justice system. The hosts emphasize the importance of understanding the legal system and how it can be intimidating but doesn't have to be. They also highlight the podcast's special guests and its mission to empower listeners to hold public agencies accountable.

Analyzing the Medical Examiner's Report: Inconsistencies and Omissions

This Chapter continues the analysis of the medical examiner's report, focusing on specific details and inconsistencies. The hosts question the report's reliance on circumstantial evidence, the lack of a comprehensive toxicology report, and the omission of crucial information about Micah's history of harassment and stalking. They also discuss the report's inaccurate summary of Micah's medical records and the questionable inclusion of details about her use of Delta 8.

The Fisherman's Story and Suspicious Circumstances

This Chapter delves into the story of Johnny James, a fisherman who claims to have heard Micah crying and a gunshot before finding her belongings on the riverbank. The hosts express their skepticism about James's account, highlighting inconsistencies and questionable details that raise further suspicions about the circumstances surrounding Micah's death.

Multiple Shell Casings and the Suicide Theory

This Chapter examines the discovery of multiple shell casings near the location where Micah's body was found. The hosts question the medical examiner's conclusion of suicide, highlighting the unusual presence of multiple casings and the lack of evidence of a struggle. They also discuss the lack of research supporting the claim that women who die by suicide typically fire off rounds before using the gun on themselves.

Micah's 911 Call and the Razor Blade Incident

This Chapter focuses on a 911 call made by Micah on March 11th, where she reported finding a razor blade protruding from the side of her car tire. The hosts play the call and discuss its significance, highlighting Micah's attempts to get help from law enforcement and the repeated dismissals of her complaints. They also discuss the context of the call, including Micah's ongoing struggles with JP Miller and his alleged attempts to have her involuntarily committed.


Micah Francis

Micah Francis was a 30-year-old woman who died on April 27, 2024, under mysterious circumstances. Her death has been the subject of much speculation and investigation, with many questioning the official ruling of suicide. Micah was reportedly in the process of divorcing her husband, JP Miller, a pastor at Solid Rock Ministries, and had filed multiple police reports alleging harassment and stalking by him.

JP Miller

JP Miller is a pastor at Solid Rock Ministries and the estranged husband of Micah Francis. He has been accused of harassment, stalking, and abuse by both Micah and his ex-wife, Ellison Williams. JP has denied these allegations and has claimed that Micah was suffering from mental health issues. He has also been the subject of much scrutiny and investigation in connection with Micah's death.

True Sunlight

True Sunlight is a podcast hosted by Manny Matney and co-hosted by journalist Liz Farrell. The podcast focuses on exposing crime and corruption, particularly in the case of Micah Francis. True Sunlight is a Luna Shark Media production and is known for its in-depth investigations and its commitment to uncovering the truth.

Solid Rock Ministries

Solid Rock Ministries is a church in Robeson County, North Carolina, where Micah Francis attended services. The church has been the subject of controversy and scrutiny in connection with Micah's death, with many questioning the role of the church and its leadership in the events leading up to her death.


Harassment is a form of unwanted and unwelcome behavior that can be verbal, physical, or psychological. It can include actions such as stalking, intimidation, threats, and offensive language. Harassment can have a significant impact on the victim's mental and emotional well-being, and it is often a precursor to more serious forms of violence.


Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, or contact that causes fear or distress in the victim. It can include actions such as following the victim, making unwanted phone calls or texts, sending unwanted gifts, and appearing at the victim's home or workplace. Stalking can be a serious crime and can have devastating consequences for the victim.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another partner. It can include physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse. Domestic violence is a serious crime and can have devastating consequences for the victim, including physical injury, emotional trauma, and even death.

Coercive Control

Coercive control is a form of abuse that involves a pattern of behaviors designed to isolate, intimidate, and control the victim. It can include actions such as monitoring the victim's movements, restricting their access to money or resources, and isolating them from friends and family. Coercive control can be very subtle and insidious, and it can be difficult for the victim to recognize that they are being abused.


FOIA stands for Freedom of Information Act. It is a law that allows the public to access information held by government agencies. FOIA requests can be used to obtain a wide range of information, including documents, emails, and other records. FOIA requests can be a valuable tool for journalists, researchers, and members of the public who are seeking to hold government agencies accountable.

Lumber River State Park

Lumber River State Park is a state park in Robeson County, North Carolina, where Micah Francis's body was found. The park is known for its scenic beauty and its diverse wildlife. The park has been the subject of much scrutiny in connection with Micah's death, with many questioning the actions of park rangers and law enforcement officials in the aftermath of her death.


  • What are the main concerns raised by the hosts about the medical examiner's report on Micah Francis's death?

    The hosts express concerns about the report's lack of thoroughness, including the absence of an autopsy, the omission of crucial information about Micah's history of harassment and stalking, and the inclusion of seemingly irrelevant investigatory details. They also question the report's reliance on circumstantial evidence and the lack of a comprehensive toxicology report.

  • What evidence suggests that JP Miller may have been harassing and stalking his ex-wife, Ellison Williams?

    Ellison Williams filed multiple police reports detailing JP's relentless pursuit, including showing up at her work, church, and home, and even attempting to move in across the street from her. She also reported that JP was constantly texting and calling her, asking her to spend 40 days and 40 nights with him without interference.

  • What are the hosts' recommendations for addressing the pattern of dismissal and lack of accountability in cases of domestic violence, harassment, and stalking?

    The hosts suggest that law enforcement agencies should have a dedicated person on staff to review reports of domestic violence, harassment, and stalking to identify patterns and prevent future violence. They also propose the creation of a citizen's advisory board to analyze reports and offer suggestions for improving documentation and response.

  • What is the significance of the 911 call made by Micah Francis on March 11th, where she reported finding a razor blade in her tire?

    The call highlights Micah's attempts to get help from law enforcement and the repeated dismissals of her complaints. It also reveals the ongoing struggles she faced with JP Miller and his alleged attempts to have her involuntarily committed. The call also shows Micah's growing awareness of the failings of law enforcement and her desperation to be taken seriously.

  • What is the connection between JP Miller's alleged attempts to have Micah Francis involuntarily committed and the healthcare power of attorney he filed?

    JP Miller had filed a healthcare power of attorney that gave him broad control over Micah's healthcare, including the authority to decide when she should be admitted to a hospital and discharged. This document was filed just 15 days after JP's effort to have Micah committed to a mental facility failed and nine days after Micah filed for a restraining order against him. The hosts question the timing and purpose of filing this document, suggesting that it may have been an attempt to further control Micah's life and potentially influence her treatment.

  • What are the hosts' overall conclusions about the Micah Francis case?

    The hosts believe that Micah's death was not in vain and that her case has brought light to potential wrongdoings in the church and exposed the broken areas in law enforcement. They emphasize the need for systemic changes to prevent future violence, murder, and suicide, ensuring that no other woman has to feel alone and helpless in such situations.

Show Notes

Investigative journalists Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell continue their coverage of the Mica Francis case, starting with JP Miller’s shock and horror upon discovering a shirtless photo has been posted of him online.

Social media came hard for JP this week with more accusations surrounding the tattoo of Mica’s signature he has on his torso. Solid Rock Ministries continues its battle with protesters, who were assaulted by a sprinkler this past weekend.

Mandy and Liz also break down the contents of the Medical Examiner’s report into Mica’s death — needless to say, the report raises more questions than it answers but mostly Mandy and Liz were astounded at its lack of thoroughness and its reliance on non-medical evidence. Plus, a newly released 911 call sheds more light onto Mica’s state of mind on March 11, when she filed her restraining order against JP. It also sheds more light onto the broken system that failed Mica — and continues to fail women everywhere.

Finally, two police reports filed by JP’s ex-wife outline very familiar accusations of harassment and stalking … as well as very familiar shrugs from law enforcement.

Episode Resources:

Mica's List & Mica's Law, Documents

If you are in crisis, please call, text or chat with the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988, or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741.

Stay Tuned, Stay Pesky and Stay in the Sunlight...☀️

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TSP #57 - ‘40 Days and 40 Nights’: 911 Call and Reports Show Harassment and Stalking Patterns in Mica Francis Case + How The Medical Examiner Failed Mica

TSP #57 - ‘40 Days and 40 Nights’: 911 Call and Reports Show Harassment and Stalking Patterns in Mica Francis Case + How The Medical Examiner Failed Mica

Luna Shark