Take Advantage of the Google Leak (part 1)
Meredith and her husband discuss the recent Google Leak, which shed light on some crucial elements of SEO. Meredith's husband explains that contrary to longstanding beliefs within the SEO industry, the value of links depends more on the traffic that the linking page receives rather than its own SEO "authority".
This insight reveals that website owners should focus on obtaining links from highly trafficked pages, even if those pages don't have many inbound links themselves.
0:41 The Google Leak is not a Nothing Burger
2:57 Clickstream Data
3:49 Chrome was created (maybe) to get more information
4:24 Links from high traffic sources
7:38 What is a Highly Trafficked Page?
9:49 Local Business Citations are Dying
10:57 Local Premium Listings
12:46 Always link from your homepage...
16:31 Link to your important pages from popular blogs
Meredith's Husband