DiscoverAt Home With SallyTea Time Tuesday: Who Are The Giants In Your Land? - Episode 841
Tea Time Tuesday: Who Are The Giants In Your Land? - Episode 841

Tea Time Tuesday: Who Are The Giants In Your Land? - Episode 841

Update: 2024-06-041


Sally Clarkson, host of the Add Home with Sally podcast, shares her personal experiences with motherhood, highlighting the challenges and joys of raising children in a chaotic world. She reflects on the difficulties she faced with her own children, including digestive issues, learning disabilities, and mental health challenges. She emphasizes the importance of loving and advocating for children from the very beginning, creating a nurturing and supportive environment. Clarkson also discusses the importance of finding strength and encouragement in God's love, especially during difficult times. She shares her own struggles with burnout and despair, but ultimately finds solace and hope in God's word and his unwavering presence. She encourages listeners to find joy in the midst of life's challenges and to trust in God's plan for their lives. Clarkson also shares practical tips for navigating motherhood, including her favorite recipes, books, and walking routine. She concludes by inviting listeners to join her online community, Life with Sally, where they can connect with other parents, share their experiences, and find support and encouragement.


Introduction and Personal Update

This Chapter begins with a warm welcome from Sally Clarkson, who expresses her gratitude for her listeners and shares a glimpse into her current life. She describes her daily routine, including preparing dinner and enjoying the beautiful summer weather in Colorado. She also mentions that her son Nathan and his wife Kelia are home for the summer, bringing joy and support to her family.

Giants in the Land: Overcoming Challenges

This Chapter delves into a biblical story about the spies sent to explore the Promised Land. Clarkson draws parallels between the giants encountered by the spies and the challenges we face in our own lives. She encourages listeners to resist the temptation to view themselves as insignificant or overwhelmed by difficulties. She shares her own experiences with burnout and the importance of finding strength and encouragement in God's word and his unwavering presence.

Finding Joy in the Everyday

This Chapter shifts to a more practical tone, as Clarkson shares her favorite recipes, books, and walking routine. She highlights the importance of finding joy in the simple things, even amidst the busyness of life. She also encourages listeners to embrace the beauty of the natural world and to find moments of peace and reflection.

Answering Listener Questions and Community Building

This Chapter focuses on answering listener questions and promoting Clarkson's online community, Life with Sally. She addresses a common question about mysterious babies and offers advice on navigating different personalities and parenting styles. She also emphasizes the importance of loving and advocating for children, creating a nurturing and supportive environment. Clarkson concludes by inviting listeners to join her online community, where they can connect with other parents, share their experiences, and find support and encouragement.

God's Grace in a Chaotic World

This Chapter returns to the theme of finding strength and encouragement in God's love, especially during difficult times. Clarkson reflects on the chaotic state of the world and the challenges we face. She draws inspiration from the stories of Caleb and Joshua, who trusted in God's power to overcome their giants. She encourages listeners to hold onto hope, to trust in God's plan, and to find comfort in his unwavering presence.


Sally Clarkson

Sally Clarkson is a Christian author, speaker, and podcaster known for her work on homemaking, motherhood, and faith. She is the author of several books, including "The Life-Giving Table" and "The Awakened Family." She hosts the popular podcast "Add Home with Sally," where she shares her insights on family life, faith, and creating a nurturing home environment.


Motherhood encompasses the experiences, roles, and responsibilities associated with being a mother. It involves nurturing, caring for, and raising children, often accompanied by a range of emotions, challenges, and joys. Motherhood is a multifaceted and deeply personal experience that varies across cultures and individuals.

Giants in the Land

This phrase refers to a biblical story in the Book of Numbers, where spies sent to explore the Promised Land encounter giants. The story is often used as a metaphor for the challenges and obstacles we face in life. The giants represent the seemingly insurmountable difficulties that can make us feel overwhelmed and discouraged.


Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress. It is characterized by feelings of cynicism, detachment, and a lack of accomplishment. Burnout can affect individuals in various aspects of their lives, including work, relationships, and personal well-being.

God's Love

God's love is a central concept in many religions and spiritual traditions. It is often described as unconditional, all-encompassing, and transformative. It is believed to be a source of strength, comfort, and hope, offering guidance and support in times of need.


Faith is a belief in something that cannot be seen or proven empirically. It often involves trust, hope, and a sense of connection to a higher power or a set of principles. Faith can provide meaning, purpose, and guidance in life, offering comfort and resilience in the face of uncertainty.


A legacy is something that is passed down from one generation to the next. It can include material possessions, traditions, values, or stories. A legacy can also be the impact or influence that a person has on the world, shaping the lives of others and leaving a lasting mark.

Chaotic World

This phrase refers to the unpredictable and often turbulent nature of the world we live in. It encompasses a range of challenges, including social unrest, political instability, environmental degradation, and personal struggles. The chaotic world can be a source of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty, requiring resilience and adaptability to navigate.


Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, to cope with challenges, and to adapt to change. It involves a combination of mental, emotional, and physical strength, allowing individuals to overcome obstacles and maintain well-being in the face of difficulties.


Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a positive outcome. It is often associated with optimism, faith, and a belief in the possibility of a better future. Hope can provide motivation, strength, and a sense of purpose, helping individuals to persevere through challenges and to envision a brighter tomorrow.


  • What are some of the challenges Sally Clarkson faced as a mother?

    Sally Clarkson faced a range of challenges as a mother, including digestive issues with her children, learning disabilities, and mental health challenges like clinical OCD. She also experienced burnout and the temptation to despair during difficult seasons of life.

  • How does Sally Clarkson encourage listeners to find strength and hope in difficult times?

    Sally Clarkson encourages listeners to find strength and hope in God's love, especially during difficult times. She emphasizes the importance of finding solace and encouragement in God's word and his unwavering presence. She also shares her own experiences with burnout and despair, but ultimately finds hope and resilience through her faith.

  • What are some practical tips Sally Clarkson shares for navigating motherhood?

    Sally Clarkson shares practical tips for navigating motherhood, including her favorite recipes, books, and walking routine. She emphasizes the importance of finding joy in the simple things, even amidst the busyness of life. She also encourages listeners to embrace the beauty of the natural world and to find moments of peace and reflection.

  • What is Sally Clarkson's online community, Life with Sally, and what does it offer?

    Life with Sally is Sally Clarkson's online community where parents can connect with each other, share their experiences, and find support and encouragement. The community offers a forum for communication, access to resources, and opportunities to learn from Sally Clarkson and other members.

  • What is the significance of the "Giants in the Land" story in Sally Clarkson's podcast?

    The "Giants in the Land" story is a metaphor for the challenges and obstacles we face in life. Sally Clarkson uses this story to encourage listeners to resist the temptation to view themselves as insignificant or overwhelmed by difficulties. She emphasizes that God can help us overcome our giants and that we should trust in his power and guidance.

  • What is Sally Clarkson's philosophy on parenting?

    Sally Clarkson believes in high training, high conversation, and high affection in parenting. She emphasizes the importance of loving and advocating for children from the very beginning, creating a nurturing and supportive environment. She also encourages parents to be their children's advocates, understanding their needs and supporting them through challenges.

  • How does Sally Clarkson encourage listeners to leave a legacy of faith and resilience?

    Sally Clarkson encourages listeners to leave a legacy of faith and resilience by trusting in God's plan and watching him answer their prayers. She emphasizes that even in the midst of challenges, we can find strength and hope in God's love and that our lives can be a testament to his faithfulness.

  • What is the importance of community in Sally Clarkson's message?

    Sally Clarkson emphasizes the importance of community in her message, recognizing that we are not meant to navigate life's challenges alone. She encourages listeners to connect with other parents, share their experiences, and find support and encouragement from one another. She also highlights the value of her online community, Life with Sally, as a place for connection and support.

Show Notes

An advocate parent is one who champions each child’s personality, seeks to encourage, pour in love, and is willing to go the long road to walk beside their child in every situation. It is what Jesus was like with us, His own children — an advocate, a lover, a shepherd, a savior.

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Tea Time Tuesday: Who Are The Giants In Your Land? - Episode 841

Tea Time Tuesday: Who Are The Giants In Your Land? - Episode 841