Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow (Lateral & Medial Epicondylitis)
" elbow and golfer's elbow a to similar conditions causing pain in the elbow and a medically know is lateral and medial epicondylitis respectively this means inflammation of the epicondyles which are bony protuberance has on the distal of the humerus the elbow is made up of the humerus articulated with the radius and ulna and allows for flexion and extension of the forearm however there are muscles that attach to the epicondyles that allow for wrist hand and finger movements like grasping and twisting and repetitive use of these muscles is thought to lead to micro attendance generating pain for this reason the conditions are known as enter Sapa these-- which means attachment point disease in act more recently it has been recommended that the conditions be referred to as tendinosis or epicondyle Alger rather than epicondylitis as histologically there is usually granulation tissue and a lack of traditional inflammatory cells suggesting that degeneration of the tendon maybe more an inflammation in the pathogenesis Motions like using handheld tools or even drawing are associated with the conditions and the names are slight misnomers is playing tennis can give you golfer's elbow and vice versa over all the movements causing the conditions do not necessarily need to be sports-related in some cases they can be triggered by a sudden contraction possibly from trauma elbow pain is the primary symptom in each lateral like this is 7 to 10 times more common and the pain is on the lateral or outer part of the elbow usually on the dominant hand it is generally worsened by extension of the wrist or fingers as the muscles responsible for these movements attached to the lateral epicondyle collectively known as the extensor tendons in particular the extensor carpi radialis brevis is commonly affected in lateral epicondylitis there is typically worsening of the pain with wrist extension against resistance when the is extended known as cozens test medial epicondylitis is less common but features pain on the medial or inner of the elbow it comes from tendinosis of the flexor and pronate attendance which originate from the medial epicondyle in particular the carpi radialis and the pronator teres and most commonly affected the pain is usually reproduced when the wrist is flexed and pronated against resistance well the is flexed called the reverse cozens test overall it is usually a gradual onset of pain that progressively get worse and can persist at night it also tends to be worsened by use of the forearm such as grasping and the pain may also be elicited by palpating several millimeters distal to the air condyles which corresponds with the location of the tendons people may also experience weaker grip strength the diagnosis is largely meaning no specific test or Imaging is required to make a diagnosis however Imaging like x-ray may be done to rule out arthritis of the elbow..."
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