DiscoverMark Levin PodcastThe Best Of Mark Levin - 8/31/24
The Best Of Mark Levin - 8/31/24

The Best Of Mark Levin - 8/31/24

Update: 2024-08-313


The podcast delves into the current political climate, focusing on the Democratic Party's emphasis on identity politics and its potential consequences for individual liberty. The host expresses concern about the state of the US military and criticizes the left's policies for depleting resources and weakening national security. He also discusses the case of Joey Piscatelli, a victim of priest abuse, and criticizes Kamala Harris's actions as a prosecutor. The podcast features an interview with President Trump and analyzes the close presidential race. The host then exposes the true nature of the bipartisan immigration act, highlighting its potential harm to America. He praises President Trump's recent speech and criticizes the media's biased coverage, particularly CNN's interview with Kamala Harris. The podcast concludes with a continued critique of Kamala Harris's character, highlighting her dishonesty and lack of care for the American people.


The Political Landscape and Identity Politics

The podcast begins with an introduction, highlighting the importance of understanding the current political climate and the motivations behind certain actions. It then discusses the Democratic National Convention and its focus on identity politics, questioning why the party emphasizes groupism over individual liberty.

The State of the US Military and Resource Depletion

The host expresses concern about the state of the US Navy, highlighting the shortage of sailors and the impact on national security. He criticizes the left's policies for depleting resources and weakening the military.

Kamala Harris and the Priest Abuse Scandal

The host discusses the case of Joey Piscatelli, a victim of priest abuse, and his attempts to hold Kamala Harris accountable for her actions as a prosecutor. He criticizes the media's silence on this issue.

The Presidential Race and an Interview with President Trump

The host discusses the close presidential race and announces an upcoming interview with President Trump, highlighting the importance of understanding his perspective.

Analyzing Kamala Harris's Character and Policies

The host analyzes a New York Times article by Rich Lowry, who argues that Kamala Harris's character is a major issue in the election. Lowry criticizes her lack of care for the consequences of her policies.

The Bipartisan Immigration Act: A Deceptive Bill

The host exposes the true nature of the so-called bipartisan immigration act, highlighting five reasons why it is a deceptive bill that would harm America.

President Trump's Speech and Media Bias

The host praises President Trump's recent speech, highlighting its compelling nature and the media's biased coverage. He criticizes CNN's interview with Kamala Harris as being a softball.

Kamala Harris's Lies and Lack of Character

The host continues to criticize Kamala Harris's character, highlighting her lies about her work experience and her lack of care for the American people.


Identity Politics

A political approach that emphasizes group identity and collective interests over individual rights and universal values. It often focuses on issues of race, gender, sexuality, and other social categories.


The tendency to prioritize the interests of one's group over those of individuals or other groups. It can lead to division, conflict, and a lack of empathy for those outside the group.

Individual Liberty

The freedom of individuals to make their own choices and pursue their own goals without undue interference from the government or other external forces. It is a fundamental principle of American democracy.

Catch and Release

A policy that allows illegal immigrants to be released into the United States after being apprehended at the border, pending a hearing on their immigration status. It is often criticized for encouraging further illegal immigration.

Sanctuary Cities

Cities or municipalities that have policies in place to limit cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. They often provide services and protection to undocumented immigrants, which can be controversial.


The moral and ethical qualities of a person, including their honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. It is often considered an important factor in evaluating political candidates.


A person who changes their opinions or behavior to suit the situation. It is often used to describe politicians who are perceived as being insincere or lacking conviction.


  • Why does the host believe the Democratic Party is so focused on groupism and identity politics?

    The host believes that the Democratic Party prioritizes group identity over individual liberty because it is a politically advantageous strategy. By uniting groups based on shared identities, they can mobilize voters and gain power.

  • What are the five reasons the host gives for why the bipartisan immigration act is deceptive?

    The host argues that the bill enshrines catch and release, automatically grants work permits to illegal aliens, forces taxpayers to fund lawyers for illegal aliens, allows 5,000 illegal aliens per day, and sends billions of dollars to sanctuary cities and pro-illegal immigration NGOs.

  • How does the host criticize CNN's interview with Kamala Harris?

    The host criticizes the interview as being a softball, arguing that Dana Bash failed to challenge Harris on her policy reversals and her lack of accountability for the consequences of her actions.

  • What is the main point the host makes about Kamala Harris's character?

    The host argues that Kamala Harris lacks character because she is dishonest, lacks empathy for the consequences of her policies, and prioritizes political expediency over the well-being of the American people.

Show Notes

This week on the Mark Levin Show, our government exists to protect the civil society and the social contract, not to obtain more power and control the citizenry. The Democrat party has constructed a political environment based on putting people into groups and group identity and do not care about individual liberty or the Constitution. Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day. President Donald Trump gave a fantastic speech today calling out Kamala Harris and her disastrous record on the border and the economy, but the Democrat media could not care less. Instead, they focus on the CNN softball interview with Harris, working as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

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The Best Of Mark Levin - 8/31/24

The Best Of Mark Levin - 8/31/24

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