DiscoverWonderThe Blood Falls
The Blood Falls

The Blood Falls

Update: 2024-06-03


The Blood Falls in Antarctica are a striking natural phenomenon, with crimson water cascading from a glacier. This episode of Wonder explores the origins of this unusual waterfall, revealing a hidden ecosystem thriving beneath the ice. The water's vibrant color is attributed to iron-rich particles that oxidize upon contact with air. The falls are fed by an underground lake, where life has adapted to survive in extreme conditions, including high salinity and a lack of sunlight and oxygen. These microbes, thriving 400 meters beneath the ice, challenge our understanding of life's limits and offer a glimpse into the potential for life on other planets. The Blood Falls, once considered a Valley of Death, are now recognized as a testament to the resilience of life and a window into the past and future of our planet.



This Chapter introduces the podcast 'Wonder' and its hosts, Leo and Lena. They invite listeners to join them on a journey to discover fascinating natural wonders.

The Blood Falls

This Chapter delves into the Blood Falls, a unique waterfall in Antarctica. The falls are characterized by their crimson water, which cascades from a glacier. The chapter explores the harsh environment of the Dry Valleys, where temperatures can reach -70 degrees Celsius.

The Origins of the Blood Falls

This Chapter explains the origins of the Blood Falls. Five million years ago, seawater filled the valley, forming a saltwater lake. A glacier later covered the lake, sealing it off from the rest of the world. The water in the underground lake that feeds the falls is too salty to freeze, and the iron-rich particles in the water oxidize when they reach the surface, giving the falls their distinctive color.

Life in the Blood Falls

This Chapter explores the surprising discovery of life forms thriving in the underground lake that feeds the Blood Falls. These microbes survive in a harsh environment, lacking sunlight and oxygen, and rely on sulfur and iron for sustenance. This discovery challenges our understanding of life's limits and suggests the possibility of life on other planets.


Blood Falls
A unique waterfall in Antarctica, known for its crimson water cascading from a glacier. The falls are fed by an underground lake, where life has adapted to survive in extreme conditions, including high salinity and a lack of sunlight and oxygen.

A continent located at the South Pole, known for its extreme cold, icy landscapes, and unique wildlife. It is home to the Blood Falls, a striking natural phenomenon.

Dry Valleys
A region in Antarctica characterized by its arid climate, harsh winds, and lack of precipitation. The Dry Valleys are some of the harshest places on Earth, yet they support a surprising diversity of life.

Microscopic organisms that are found in a wide variety of environments, including the Blood Falls in Antarctica. These microbes have adapted to survive in extreme conditions, such as high salinity and a lack of sunlight and oxygen.

Extreme Environments
Habitats that are characterized by harsh conditions, such as high temperatures, low temperatures, high salinity, or a lack of oxygen. The Blood Falls in Antarctica is an example of an extreme environment that supports life.

The study of life in the universe, including the search for extraterrestrial life. The discovery of life in the Blood Falls has implications for astrobiology, as it suggests that life can exist in extreme environments, potentially on other planets.


  • What is the Blood Falls and why is it unique?

    The Blood Falls is a waterfall in Antarctica that is known for its crimson water. The water's color is caused by iron-rich particles that oxidize when they reach the surface of the glacier. The falls are unique because they are the only waterfall of their kind on Earth.

  • How did the Blood Falls form?

    The Blood Falls formed when a glacier covered a saltwater lake that had existed in the valley millions of years ago. The water in the underground lake that feeds the falls is too salty to freeze, and the iron-rich particles in the water oxidize when they reach the surface, giving the falls their distinctive color.

  • What kind of life exists in the Blood Falls?

    Microbes have been found thriving in the underground lake that feeds the Blood Falls. These microbes survive in a harsh environment, lacking sunlight and oxygen, and rely on sulfur and iron for sustenance. This discovery challenges our understanding of life's limits and suggests the possibility of life on other planets.

  • What are the implications of the Blood Falls for astrobiology?

    The discovery of life in the Blood Falls has implications for astrobiology, as it suggests that life can exist in extreme environments, potentially on other planets. This discovery encourages scientists to continue searching for life beyond Earth, even in seemingly inhospitable environments.

Show Notes

Today on Wonder, we’re in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Whipped by harsh winds, this rocky desert stretches as far as the eye can see. It’s here that you’ll encounter an enormous ruby-red cascade of water: the Blood Falls. Against the pristine expanse of ice, these crimson waters are an alien sight. The Blood Falls have remained a mystery for centuries, continuing to flow from the glacier even as temperatures drop below freezing. Join us, and let the wind carry you close to this otherworldly vision in one of the most remote corners of our planet. Put on your headphones, close your eyes, and take five minutes to yourself — to breathe, learn, and wonder. 

This is Wonder, a weekly five-minute audio experience designed to transport you far away from the chaos of everyday life. Wonder is a Brazen production. To find out more visit

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Table of contents









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

The Blood Falls

The Blood Falls
