DiscoverJerry Flowers PodcastThe Devil's Lyrics | Symptoms | Part 7 | Jerry Flowers
The Devil's Lyrics | Symptoms | Part 7 | Jerry Flowers

The Devil's Lyrics | Symptoms | Part 7 | Jerry Flowers

Update: 2024-06-03


This podcast episode delves into the concept of "devil's lyrics," arguing that music can be a gateway to demonic influence. The speaker emphasizes the importance of scripture as the ultimate authority for believers, urging listeners to test their playlists against biblical principles. He highlights the dangers of spiritual malnourishment from consuming "milky" sermons and podcasts, advocating for a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm and the power of the gospel. The episode explores the role of music in the spiritual realm, drawing from biblical examples of worship, soothing, war, and judgment. The speaker encourages listeners to be discerning about the music they consume, asking questions like: Does it promote what God hates? Is it unto the Lord? Is it permissible but not beneficial? Does it pass the Philippians 4:8 test? The episode concludes with a call to repentance and a prayer for deliverance from demonic influence, urging listeners to prioritize the presence of God in their lives.


Introduction and Foundation

This Chapter introduces the topic of "devil's lyrics" and sets the foundation for the discussion. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this message for blessing listeners' lives and outlines three foundational scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 5:19, Job 1:6, and Job 2:9. He also expresses gratitude for the gift of life, community, and God's word, praying for moldable hearts and to be an Oracle of heaven.

Spiritual Growth and Sensitivity

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth and sensitivity to God's conviction. The speaker warns against spiritual malnourishment from consuming "milky" sermons and podcasts, urging listeners to desire growth and an increased appetite for prayer, fasting, and the things of God. He highlights the importance of discerning God's "no" as well as his "yes" and the dangers of labeling God's "no" as hatred.

The Devil's Lyrics and Scripture

This Chapter dives into the core topic of "devil's lyrics." The speaker emphasizes the importance of scripture as the highest authority for true Christ followers, urging listeners to test their playlists against biblical principles. He explains how certain thoughts can be Satan-induced and how music can be a gateway to demonic influence. The speaker encourages listeners to confess and pray for deliverance from any demonic gateways in their lives.

Testing Your Playlist and the Famine of Discussion

This Chapter continues the discussion on testing playlists and the importance of discerning music. The speaker expresses concern about the lack of discussion about spiritual warfare and the demonic realm in many churches and sermons. He highlights the importance of preaching against sin and embracing the presence of God, emphasizing that the gospel is offensive and requires a savior.

The Power of the Gospel and the Cross

This Chapter explores the power of the gospel and the cross, arguing that it radically disrupts our lives from self to Christ. The speaker expresses concern that the gospel has been minimized to motivational jokes and sugar-coated messages, leading to Christians trying to deal with spiritual things in natural ways. He emphasizes the importance of preaching against sin and teaching people how to embrace the presence of God.

The Presence of God and Spiritual Warfare

This Chapter focuses on the importance of desiring the presence of God in all aspects of life. The speaker emphasizes that the indwelling presence of God is available to every believer and that we should strive to be sensitive to his presence. He highlights the dangers of being deceived by demonic entertainment and the importance of understanding the power of words and music in spiritual warfare.

Music as a Gateway and the Power of Meditation

This Chapter delves deeper into the concept of music as a gateway to demonic influence. The speaker explains how sowing and watering a thought through repetition and meditation can lead to verbal manifestation. He uses the example of familiar songs and lyrics to illustrate this point and emphasizes the importance of being aware of the thoughts we are meditating on.


Devil's Lyrics

This refers to music lyrics that are inspired by demonic spirits, potentially leading to negative spiritual influence. The term highlights the idea that music can be a gateway to demonic influence, especially when lyrics promote harmful thoughts or behaviors.

Spiritual Warfare

This refers to the ongoing battle between good and evil, often personified as God and Satan. It encompasses the idea that spiritual forces are at work in the world, influencing individuals and events. The concept of spiritual warfare emphasizes the importance of discernment, prayer, and reliance on God's power to overcome evil.


This refers to a list of songs or audio content that a person listens to, often curated for specific moods or purposes. In the context of this podcast, the term "playlist" is used to highlight the importance of being discerning about the music we consume and its potential spiritual impact.


This refers to the Bible, considered the ultimate authority for Christians. The speaker emphasizes the importance of testing music and other content against biblical principles to discern its spiritual value.


This refers to the good news of Jesus Christ, his life, death, and resurrection. The speaker emphasizes the power of the gospel to radically transform lives and the importance of preaching its full message, including the reality of sin and the need for a savior.

Presence of God

This refers to the tangible experience of God's presence in our lives. The speaker emphasizes the importance of desiring and seeking God's presence in all aspects of life, recognizing that it is available to every believer.

Philippians 4:8 Test

This refers to a biblical passage that encourages believers to focus on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. The speaker suggests using this passage as a filter for evaluating music and other content.

Demonic Influence

This refers to the negative impact of demonic spirits on individuals and society. The speaker warns against the dangers of demonic influence through music and other forms of entertainment, urging listeners to be discerning and seek protection from God.

Spiritual Malnourishment

This refers to a state of spiritual weakness or lack of growth due to consuming inadequate spiritual food. The speaker warns against the dangers of consuming "milky" sermons and podcasts, urging listeners to seek deeper spiritual nourishment.

Music as Worship

This refers to the use of music as a form of worship and praise to God. The speaker highlights the biblical examples of music used for worship, soothing, war, and judgment, emphasizing the importance of using music for God's glory.


  • What are "devil's lyrics" and why are they dangerous?

    Devil's lyrics refer to music lyrics that are inspired by demonic spirits, potentially leading to negative spiritual influence. The speaker argues that these lyrics can plant harmful thoughts in our minds, leading to destructive behaviors and hindering our spiritual growth.

  • How can we test our playlists against biblical principles?

    The speaker suggests asking several questions about the music we listen to: Does it promote what God hates? Is it unto the Lord? Is it permissible but not beneficial? Does it pass the Philippians 4:8 test? By considering these questions, we can discern whether the music we consume aligns with biblical values and promotes spiritual growth.

  • Why is it important to be discerning about the sermons and podcasts we listen to?

    The speaker warns against spiritual malnourishment from consuming "milky" sermons and podcasts that lack depth and focus on the spiritual realm. He encourages listeners to seek out preachers and teachers who are faithful to the scriptures and who address the full scope of the gospel, including the reality of sin and the need for a savior.

  • How does music play a role in spiritual warfare?

    The speaker explains that music has power in the spiritual realm, both for good and for evil. He highlights biblical examples of music used for worship, soothing, war, and judgment, demonstrating that music can influence atmospheres and affect individuals spiritually.

  • What are some practical steps we can take to protect ourselves from demonic influence through music?

    The speaker encourages listeners to be discerning about the music they consume, to prioritize scripture as their highest authority, and to pray for deliverance from any demonic gateways in their lives. He also suggests being mindful of the thoughts we are meditating on and seeking out spiritual nourishment from sources that are faithful to the scriptures.

  • How can we cultivate a deeper desire for the presence of God?

    The speaker encourages listeners to actively seek God's presence in all aspects of life, recognizing that it is available to every believer. He suggests praying for a heart that desires God's presence and for the strength to resist temptations that would lead us away from him.

  • What is the importance of preaching against sin and embracing the presence of God?

    The speaker argues that the gospel is offensive and requires a savior. He emphasizes the importance of preaching against sin and teaching people how to embrace the presence of God, recognizing that these truths are essential for spiritual growth and transformation.

  • How can we be more aware of the thoughts we are meditating on?

    The speaker explains that thoughts are seeds that can grow into reality if watered through repetition and meditation. He encourages listeners to be mindful of the thoughts they are entertaining and to actively choose to meditate on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy.

  • What is the role of music in worship?

    The speaker highlights the biblical examples of music used for worship, emphasizing that music can be a powerful tool for expressing praise and adoration to God. He encourages listeners to use music as a means of connecting with God and expressing their love for him.

  • How can we be more sensitive to God's conviction?

    The speaker encourages listeners to cultivate a deeper relationship with God, seeking his guidance and direction in all aspects of life. He emphasizes the importance of being open to God's correction and willing to change our ways when he reveals sin in our lives.

Show Notes

Once Satan gains access to your ear, he can then influence your mind, the gateway to your soul. What are you listening to on a regular basis?

Table of contents









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The Devil's Lyrics | Symptoms | Part 7 | Jerry Flowers

The Devil's Lyrics | Symptoms | Part 7 | Jerry Flowers

Jerry Flowers Ministries