DiscoverThe Wellness ProcessThe Energetics of Relationships & Dating with My Healer Christine Lang
The Energetics of Relationships & Dating with My Healer Christine Lang

The Energetics of Relationships & Dating with My Healer Christine Lang

Update: 2024-06-04


This episode of The Wellness Process features a conversation with Christine Lang, a medical intuitive energy healer, about the energetics of relationships. Elizabeth and Christine discuss the importance of tuning into your body's energy when dating, recognizing warning signs like love bombing and future-talking, and the significance of core values in compatibility. They also delve into communication styles, highlighting the importance of authenticity and asking deeper questions to understand a potential partner's relationship history and communication preferences. Christine emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and understanding your own act one and act two in relationships, and how to navigate the transition from the initial wooing stage to a committed partnership. The episode concludes with advice on how to tune into your spirit for guidance in relationships, and the importance of focusing on finding the right person for you right now, rather than seeking a permanent and predictable partner. Christine also shares her insights on recognizing when it's time to end a relationship, emphasizing the importance of emotional safety and communication. She encourages listeners to be honest with themselves and their partners about their needs and desires, and to prioritize their own growth and well-being in relationships.



This Chapter introduces The Wellness Process podcast, a space dedicated to exploring all aspects of well-being. Elizabeth Endress, the host, shares her background as a wellness founder and her passion for helping others achieve wellness through various modalities.

Energetics of Relationships

This Chapter dives into the energetics of relationships, focusing on dating and relationships. Elizabeth and Christine discuss the importance of tuning into your body's energy when dating, recognizing warning signs like love bombing and future-talking, and the significance of core values in compatibility.

Asking Deeper Questions

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of asking deeper questions on dates to gain a deeper understanding of a potential partner's relationship history and communication preferences. Christine suggests asking about past relationships, communication styles, and core values to gain valuable insights.

Communication Styles

This Chapter explores the importance of authentic communication in dating, both during and after the first date. Christine highlights the importance of being true to yourself and avoiding manipulative communication tactics.

Act One vs. Act Two

This Chapter delves into the concept of act one and act two in relationships, emphasizing the importance of recognizing how people show up in the initial wooing stage versus in a committed partnership. Christine encourages listeners to be aware of their own act one and act two, and to look for partners who are authentic and consistent in their behavior.

Implied Agreements

This Chapter discusses the importance of acknowledging and communicating implied agreements that are formed early on in relationships. Christine emphasizes the need for open communication about roles and expectations to avoid misunderstandings and resentment.

Ending a Relationship

This Chapter explores the energetic signs that indicate it's time to end a relationship. Christine emphasizes the importance of emotional safety and communication, and encourages listeners to be honest with themselves and their partners about their needs and desires.

Tuning into Your Spirit

This Chapter provides tips on how to tune into your spirit for guidance in relationships. Christine emphasizes the importance of getting quiet and still, and asking your spirit questions about your feelings and connection with a potential partner, rather than seeking definitive answers about the future.


Medical Intuitive

A medical intuitive is a person who claims to have the ability to perceive and diagnose health conditions through extrasensory perception, often using intuition and spiritual guidance. They may use various techniques, such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, and channeling, to access information about a person's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Medical intuitives often work alongside conventional medical practitioners, providing complementary support and insights.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is a holistic practice that aims to balance and harmonize the body's energy field, known as the aura. Practitioners believe that imbalances in the energy field can contribute to physical, emotional, and mental health issues. Energy healing techniques may include Reiki, Qigong, and Therapeutic Touch, which involve the practitioner channeling energy into the client's body to promote healing and well-being.

Love Bombing

Love bombing is a manipulative tactic used in relationships, often by narcissists or those with personality disorders, to overwhelm a person with excessive attention, affection, and gifts in the early stages of a relationship. This intense display of affection is intended to create a sense of dependence and control, and can be a red flag for unhealthy relationships.

Core Values

Core values are fundamental beliefs and principles that guide a person's actions and decisions. They are deeply held convictions about what is important and meaningful in life. In relationships, core values play a crucial role in compatibility, as they influence a person's outlook on life, their priorities, and their expectations from a partner.

Communication Styles

Communication styles refer to the patterns and habits that individuals use to communicate with others. These styles can vary significantly based on personality, cultural background, and personal experiences. In relationships, effective communication is essential for understanding, empathy, and conflict resolution. Different communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and conflict if they are not acknowledged and addressed.

Act One vs. Act Two

Act one and act two are terms used to describe the different stages of a relationship. Act one typically refers to the initial wooing stage, where people are putting their best foot forward and trying to impress each other. Act two refers to the committed partnership stage, where the relationship deepens and the couple faces the challenges and realities of long-term commitment. Understanding the differences between act one and act two can help individuals identify red flags and make informed decisions about their relationships.

Implied Agreements

Implied agreements are unspoken understandings and expectations that develop in relationships. These agreements can be about roles, responsibilities, and boundaries. While implied agreements can be helpful in establishing a sense of order and predictability, they can also lead to misunderstandings and conflict if they are not explicitly discussed and agreed upon.

Emotional Safety

Emotional safety refers to the feeling of security and trust in a relationship, where individuals feel comfortable expressing their emotions without fear of judgment or rejection. Emotional safety is essential for healthy relationships, as it allows individuals to be vulnerable, authentic, and open with their partners.


Spirituality is a broad concept that encompasses a person's beliefs and practices related to the sacred, the divine, or the transcendent. It can involve a connection to a higher power, a sense of purpose, or a search for meaning and fulfillment. Spirituality can play a significant role in relationships, providing a sense of connection, guidance, and support.


Channeling is a spiritual practice where a person acts as a conduit for a spirit or entity, allowing the spirit to communicate through them. This can involve receiving messages, guidance, or healing energy from the spirit. Channeling is often used in energy healing, mediumship, and other spiritual practices.


  • What are some warning signs to look out for when dating?

    Some warning signs to look out for when dating include love bombing, future-talking too early, and a lack of emotional safety. Love bombing is when someone overwhelms you with excessive attention and affection in the early stages of a relationship, often to manipulate you. Future-talking too early can be a sign that someone is trying to rush the relationship and may not be truly invested in getting to know you. If you don't feel emotionally safe with someone, it's a red flag that the relationship may not be healthy.

  • How can I tune into my spirit for guidance in relationships?

    To tune into your spirit for guidance in relationships, it's important to get quiet and still. Try meditating and asking your spirit questions about your feelings and connection with a potential partner, rather than seeking definitive answers about the future. You can also visualize releasing your anxieties and fears about the relationship, allowing yourself to feel something true and authentic.

  • What are some important core values to consider when dating?

    Some important core values to consider when dating include personal growth, communication styles, and relationship expectations. It's important to find someone who shares your values about personal growth and development, who communicates effectively and authentically, and who has similar expectations for a relationship.

  • How do I know when it's time to end a relationship?

    From an energetic standpoint, you may know it's time to end a relationship if you feel contracted and emotionally unsafe around the person. If you consistently feel tight in your core and unable to share your true feelings, it's a sign that the relationship may not be serving you. It's important to communicate your feelings to your partner and see if you can work together to rebuild emotional safety. If not, it may be time to move on.

  • What are some tips for asking deeper questions on dates?

    Don't be afraid to ask deeper questions on dates, even about past relationships and communication styles. Asking about their most significant relationship and how it ended can reveal a lot about their relationship patterns. You can also ask about their communication preferences, how they like to be supported when they're upset or sick, and what they're passionate about. These questions can help you gain a deeper understanding of their personality and how they approach relationships.

  • What are some common mistakes people make when dating?

    One common mistake is focusing too much on finding a permanent and predictable partner, rather than finding the right person for you right now. Another mistake is settling for someone who doesn't meet your core values or who doesn't make you feel emotionally safe. It's also important to avoid manipulative communication tactics, such as love bombing and future-talking too early.

  • How can I avoid playing small and weak in a relationship?

    To avoid playing small and weak in a relationship, it's important to be authentic and true to yourself. Don't try to fit into a mold or suppress your true personality to please your partner. Be honest about your needs and desires, and don't be afraid to ask for what you want. It's also important to recognize and challenge any implied agreements that may be limiting your growth and well-being.

  • What are some tips for navigating the transition from act one to act two in a relationship?

    To navigate the transition from act one to act two in a relationship, it's important to be aware of how you show up in both stages. Be honest with yourself about your own act one and act two, and look for partners who are authentic and consistent in their behavior. It's also important to communicate openly about your expectations and needs as the relationship deepens.

  • What are some tips for having healthy communication in a relationship?

    Healthy communication in a relationship involves being authentic, respectful, and open. It's important to express your feelings clearly and directly, and to listen actively to your partner's perspective. It's also important to avoid manipulative tactics, such as love bombing and future-talking too early. Instead, focus on building trust and understanding through open and honest communication.

  • What are some tips for dealing with a partner who is not emotionally invested in the relationship?

    If you're in a relationship with someone who is not emotionally invested, it's important to communicate your needs and desires clearly. If they are unwilling to meet your needs or to work on the relationship, it may be time to move on. It's important to prioritize your own emotional well-being and to seek out partners who are willing to invest in the relationship.

Show Notes

In today’s episode, Elizabeth sits down for the second time with her personal healer/therapist, Christine Lang, to discuss the energetics of relationships and dating. This topic came highly requested, and having worked with thousands of clients healing with relationship problems — whether with dating, relationship or self — Christine brings a very interested, energetically attune lens to the conversation. Elizabeth and Christine discuss getting clear on what you’re pursing when dating, how to tune into your spirit in dating & relationships, compatibility of core values. They chat about warning signs in dating, what to ask on initial dates to better understand a potential partner, and also how to know when to leave or end a relationship. Whether you’re single, married or anything in between, this is one you don’t want to miss!

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The Energetics of Relationships & Dating with My Healer Christine Lang

The Energetics of Relationships & Dating with My Healer Christine Lang