DiscoverGirl TalesThe Fabulous Fox Sisters
The Fabulous Fox Sisters

The Fabulous Fox Sisters

Update: 2024-06-03


This episode tells the story of The Fox Sisters, Leah, Kate, and Maggie, who lived in Freshwater. They were mediums who claimed to communicate with spirits, but their fame came from deceiving people with tricks. The story begins with the sisters' childhood in Hydesville, New York, where they convinced their mother of their abilities. They later moved to Rochester, where Leah worked as an apothecary and read tea leaves. The sisters decided to take their "magic show" on the road, touring the northeast and gaining a following. However, their success was built on deception, as they used tricks to create the illusion of paranormal activity. In Freshwater, the Fox Sisters were invited to a welcome dinner party, where they attempted to perform a seance. Cat, the cat, discovered their secret, revealing that they were faking the spirit communication. The residents of Freshwater were upset, but the Fox Sisters apologized and learned a valuable lesson about honesty and acceptance. They eventually found their place in Freshwater, with Leah opening an apothecary, Kate and Maggie performing illusionist tricks, and all three sisters selling their teas at the farmer's market. The story ends with a hint of mystery, as Maggie claims to have heard Wally, Pipa's goldfish, thanking them for their message.



This Chapter introduces the podcast, Girl Tales, and its host, Rebecca Cunningham. It also includes birthday shout-outs and a sponsor message for Patreon.

The Fabulous Fox Sisters

This Chapter introduces the story of The Fox Sisters, Leah, Kate, and Maggie, who were mediums who communicated with spirits. It describes their childhood in Hydesville, New York, and their move to Rochester, where Leah worked as an apothecary. The sisters decided to take their "magic show" on the road, touring the northeast and gaining a following.

The Fox Sisters in Freshwater

This Chapter describes the Fox Sisters' arrival in Freshwater and their attempt to perform a seance at a welcome dinner party. Cat, the cat, discovers their secret, revealing that they were faking the spirit communication. The residents of Freshwater were upset, but the Fox Sisters apologized and learned a valuable lesson about honesty and acceptance.

The Fox Sisters' Legacy

This Chapter describes the Fox Sisters' current life in Freshwater, where they have found their place and are beloved residents. Leah has opened an apothecary, Kate and Maggie perform illusionist tricks, and all three sisters sell their teas at the farmer's market. The story ends with a hint of mystery, as Maggie claims to have heard Wally, Pipa's goldfish, thanking them for their message.


The Fox Sisters

The Fox Sisters are the main characters of the story. They are three sisters, Leah, Kate, and Maggie, who were mediums who claimed to communicate with spirits. Their fame came from deceiving people with tricks, but they eventually learned a valuable lesson about honesty and acceptance.


Mediums are people who claim to be able to communicate with spirits. In the story, The Fox Sisters are mediums who use their abilities to entertain and deceive people. The concept of mediums is often associated with spiritualism, a belief system that holds that spirits of the dead can communicate with the living.


Freshwater is a fictional town where the story takes place. It is a welcoming and friendly community, where the residents are accepting of others, even those who make mistakes. The town is a contrast to the more bustling and crowded cities where the Fox Sisters previously lived.


A seance is a spiritualistic ritual in which participants attempt to communicate with spirits. In the story, The Fox Sisters attempt to perform a seance at a welcome dinner party in Freshwater. The seance is interrupted when Cat, the cat, discovers their secret, revealing that they were faking the spirit communication.


Honesty is a key theme in the story. The Fox Sisters learn a valuable lesson about honesty after they are caught deceiving the residents of Freshwater. The story emphasizes the importance of being truthful and respecting other people's feelings.


Acceptance is another key theme in the story. The residents of Freshwater are accepting of the Fox Sisters, even after they are caught lying. The story shows that people can be forgiven for their mistakes and that it is important to give others a chance to redeem themselves.


Illusionist is a term used to describe someone who performs magic tricks. In the story, Kate and Maggie continue to perform illusionist tricks at parties in Freshwater, even after they are caught faking their mediumship. This suggests that they have learned to use their talents for entertainment rather than deception.


An apothecary is a person who prepares and sells medicines. In the story, Leah works as an apothecary in Rochester, New York. She uses her knowledge of herbs and plants to create medicines, tinctures, and salves. The apothecary is a symbol of Leah's genuine talent and her ability to help others.

Farmer's Market

A farmer's market is a place where farmers and other vendors sell their products directly to consumers. In the story, The Fox Sisters sell their teas at the local farmer's market in Freshwater. This is a symbol of their integration into the community and their ability to use their talents for good.


Wally is Pipa's goldfish. He dies in the story, and Pipa is very sad about his loss. The Fox Sisters claim to communicate with Wally's spirit, but it is later revealed that they were faking the communication. Wally's spirit is a symbol of Pipa's grief and the Fox Sisters' attempt to comfort her.


  • Who are The Fox Sisters and what are their special abilities?

    The Fox Sisters are Leah, Kate, and Maggie. They are mediums who claim to communicate with spirits. However, their abilities are later revealed to be tricks.

  • What is a seance and how does it work?

    A seance is a spiritualistic ritual where participants attempt to communicate with spirits. The Fox Sisters attempt to perform a seance at a welcome dinner party in Freshwater, but their deception is exposed.

  • Why do the residents of Freshwater invite The Fox Sisters to a dinner party?

    The residents of Freshwater want to welcome The Fox Sisters to their community and make them feel included. They are initially unaware of the sisters' deception.

  • What is the lesson that The Fox Sisters learn in the story?

    The Fox Sisters learn a valuable lesson about honesty and acceptance. They realize that they don't need to lie to be accepted and that their true talents are valuable.

  • What happens to The Fox Sisters after they are caught deceiving the residents of Freshwater?

    The Fox Sisters apologize for their actions and are forgiven by the residents of Freshwater. They find their place in the community and use their talents for good.

  • What is the significance of Wally, Pipa's goldfish, in the story?

    Wally's spirit is a symbol of Pipa's grief and the Fox Sisters' attempt to comfort her. The Fox Sisters claim to communicate with Wally's spirit, but it is later revealed that they were faking the communication.

  • What is the overall message of the story?

    The story emphasizes the importance of honesty, acceptance, and finding your place in the world. It shows that people can be forgiven for their mistakes and that it is important to be true to yourself.

  • What is the role of Cat, the cat, in the story?

    Cat is Freshwater's infamous trickster and is suspicious of The Fox Sisters' claims. Cat discovers their secret and exposes their deception, leading to the sisters' realization of their mistakes.

  • How do The Fox Sisters use their talents after they are caught deceiving people?

    Leah opens an apothecary, Kate and Maggie perform illusionist tricks, and all three sisters sell their teas at the farmer's market. They use their talents for entertainment and to help others, rather than for deception.

  • What is the significance of the ending of the story?

    The ending of the story leaves a hint of mystery, as Maggie claims to have heard Wally's spirit thanking them for their message. This suggests that there may be some truth to their abilities, even if they were initially used for deception.

Show Notes

Leah, Kate, and Maggie Fox bring their extraordinary gift of communicating with spirits to Freshwater.

Dorothy Gale, a wheelchair-using pop-punk musician, has her Kansas life uprooted by a magical tornado, transporting her to the whimsical land of Oz!

Writer: Monet Hurst-Mendoza

Voice-Over Artists: Rebecca Cunningham and Melissa Victor

Producer: Chad Chenail

Executive Producer: Rebecca Cunningham

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The Fabulous Fox Sisters

The Fabulous Fox Sisters

Starglow Media / Cordelia Studios