DiscoverAnatomy of MurderThe Final Bow (Pasinetta Prince)
The Final Bow  (Pasinetta Prince)

The Final Bow (Pasinetta Prince)

Update: 2024-07-094


Passionetta Prince, a 40-year-old single mother and rising theater star in Omaha, Nebraska, was found murdered in the basement of her home in February 2006. Police found signs of a struggle and Passionetta's body, dressed in pajamas, with blood spatter and ligature marks on her neck. The investigation initially focused on her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Patrick Baldwin, who was found to have been at her house the night of her murder, but his alibi was corroborated by his sister and others. However, further investigation revealed inconsistencies in Baldwin's story, including a volatile relationship with Passionetta and a history of violence. After three years, new DNA evidence linked Baldwin to the crime scene, and he was arrested and charged with first-degree murder. During his interrogation, Baldwin made several incriminating statements, and the judge ruled that both his 2006 and 2009 interrogations were admissible as evidence. Baldwin's sister's testimony also contradicted his alibi, and the jury ultimately found him guilty of second-degree murder. Baldwin was sentenced to life in prison. The case highlights the devastating impact of domestic violence and the importance of seeking help when in a dangerous relationship.


The Murder of Passionetta Prince

This Chapter introduces Passionetta Prince, a single mother and rising theater star in Omaha, Nebraska, who was found murdered in the basement of her home in February 2006. Police found signs of a struggle and Passionetta's body, dressed in pajamas, with blood spatter and ligature marks on her neck. The investigation initially focused on her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Patrick Baldwin, who was found to have been at her house the night of her murder, but his alibi was corroborated by his sister and others.

The Investigation Begins

This Chapter details the initial investigation into Passionetta Prince's murder, including the discovery of her body, the evidence found at the scene, and the questioning of Patrick Baldwin. The investigation revealed inconsistencies in Baldwin's story, including a volatile relationship with Passionetta and a history of violence. However, without hard physical evidence linking him to the crime, the prosecutor's office did not have enough to make an arrest.

The Cold Case Unit Takes Over

This Chapter describes how the case went cold for three years until Matt Kuzi, a former deputy county attorney, joined the cold case unit and decided to pursue more extensive DNA testing. This testing ultimately linked Patrick Baldwin to the crime scene, and he was arrested and charged with first-degree murder.

Baldwin's Interrogations

This Chapter focuses on Patrick Baldwin's interrogations, both in 2006 and 2009. During his 2009 interrogation, Baldwin made several incriminating statements, despite never admitting to killing Passionetta. The judge ruled that both interrogations were admissible as evidence, and Matt Kuzi argued that Baldwin's volatile personality and behavior during the interrogations were indicative of his guilt.

The Trial

This Chapter details the trial of Patrick Baldwin, where the prosecution presented evidence of Baldwin's volatile relationship with Passionetta, his inconsistent alibi, and the DNA evidence linking him to the crime scene. The defense attempted to raise reasonable doubt by directing suspicion at other men in Passionetta's life, but the jury ultimately found Baldwin guilty of second-degree murder.

The Aftermath

This Chapter discusses the aftermath of Patrick Baldwin's conviction, including his sentencing to life in prison and the impact of the murder on Passionetta's family, particularly her son Cameron. The episode concludes with a reflection on the devastating impact of domestic violence and the importance of seeking help when in a dangerous relationship.


Passionetta Prince

Passionetta Prince was a 40-year-old single mother and rising theater star in Omaha, Nebraska. She was known for her starring roles in productions of Ma Rainey's Black Bottom and Death of A Salesman, and was rehearsing for a role in August Wilson's Seven Guitars at the time of her death. She was described as a well-liked and dedicated mother and stepmother.

Patrick Baldwin

Patrick Baldwin was Passionetta Prince's on-again, off-again boyfriend. He was initially considered a suspect in her murder, but his alibi was corroborated by his sister and others. However, further investigation revealed inconsistencies in his story, including a volatile relationship with Passionetta and a history of violence. He was ultimately convicted of her murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha is the largest city in Nebraska and is located on the Missouri River. It is known for its vibrant arts and culture scene, as well as its history as a major railroad hub. The murder of Passionetta Prince took place in Omaha, and the investigation and trial were conducted in the Douglas County Attorney's Office.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another. It can include physical, sexual, emotional, economic, and psychological abuse. The murder of Passionetta Prince is a tragic example of the devastating consequences of domestic violence.

DNA Evidence

DNA evidence is a type of forensic evidence that uses genetic material to identify individuals or link them to a crime scene. In the case of Passionetta Prince's murder, DNA evidence played a crucial role in linking Patrick Baldwin to the crime scene and ultimately securing his conviction.

Second-Degree Murder

Second-degree murder is a criminal offense that involves the intentional killing of another person, but without premeditation. It is a lesser charge than first-degree murder, which requires proof of premeditation. Patrick Baldwin was convicted of second-degree murder in the death of Passionetta Prince.


An alibi is a claim that a person was elsewhere at the time of a crime. Patrick Baldwin initially provided an alibi for the night of Passionetta Prince's murder, claiming he was with his sister. However, his sister's testimony later contradicted his alibi, weakening his defense.


An interrogation is a formal questioning of a suspect in a crime. Patrick Baldwin was interrogated by police both in 2006 and 2009. His behavior and statements during these interrogations were used as evidence against him at trial.

CSI Effect

The CSI Effect refers to the influence of crime television shows on the public's perception of forensic science and the expectations of juries in criminal trials. The CSI Effect can lead to unrealistic expectations about the availability and reliability of forensic evidence, and can make it more difficult for prosecutors to secure convictions in cases where such evidence is limited.


A ligature is a material used for tying or binding something tightly. In the case of Passionetta Prince's murder, the ligature used to strangle her was an air compressor hose. Ligature marks on the neck are a common sign of strangulation.


  • What was the cause of Passionetta Prince's death?

    Passionetta Prince died of strangulation by a ligature, specifically an air compressor hose. She also had signs of a physical assault, including bruises and scratches on her face and arms.

  • Who was the main suspect in Passionetta Prince's murder?

    The main suspect in Passionetta Prince's murder was her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Patrick Baldwin. He was initially considered a suspect because he was found to have been at her house the night of her murder, and he had a history of violence with her. However, his alibi was corroborated by his sister and others, and the investigation stalled for three years.

  • What evidence ultimately linked Patrick Baldwin to the crime scene?

    New DNA evidence linked Patrick Baldwin to the crime scene. This evidence was found on Passionetta's pajama shirt, and the probability of it not being his was one in septillion. This new evidence led to his arrest and conviction.

  • What was the significance of Patrick Baldwin's interrogations?

    Patrick Baldwin's interrogations were significant because he made several incriminating statements, despite never admitting to killing Passionetta. His volatile personality and behavior during the interrogations were used as evidence against him at trial. The judge ruled that both his 2006 and 2009 interrogations were admissible as evidence.

  • What was the defense's strategy in Patrick Baldwin's trial?

    The defense's strategy in Patrick Baldwin's trial was to raise reasonable doubt by directing suspicion at other men in Passionetta's life, including Michael Scott and her landlord. They also attempted to discredit the DNA evidence and argue that Baldwin's interrogations were inadmissible. However, the prosecution was able to present a strong case, and the jury ultimately found Baldwin guilty.

  • What was the outcome of Patrick Baldwin's trial?

    Patrick Baldwin was found guilty of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. The jury did not find him guilty of first-degree murder, which requires proof of premeditation. The prosecution argued that Baldwin's actions during the strangulation constituted premeditation, but the jury ultimately decided that the killing was intentional but not premeditated.

  • What is the significance of this case?

    This case highlights the devastating impact of domestic violence and the importance of seeking help when in a dangerous relationship. It also demonstrates the importance of thorough investigation and the use of forensic evidence in criminal cases. The case also illustrates the challenges of prosecuting domestic violence cases, as victims often fear coming forward and there is often a lack of physical evidence.

  • What happened to Passionetta Prince's son, Cameron?

    Passionetta Prince's son, Cameron, moved in with his grandmother after his mother's death. He struggled for a while, but is now doing well. He has children, a job, and is on the right path.

  • What was the reaction of the Omaha theater community to Passionetta Prince's death?

    The Omaha theater community was deeply saddened by Passionetta Prince's death. Two Omaha theaters donated the proceeds from several performances to a trust fund benefiting her family. The creative director of the John Beasley Theatre, where Passionetta had been rehearsing for a play at the time of her death, said that she loved the theater but that "no undertaking was more important to her than raising her son."

  • What is the message of this episode?

    The message of this episode is that domestic violence is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences. It is important to seek help if you are in a dangerous relationship, and to support victims of domestic violence. The episode also highlights the importance of justice for victims of crime, and the dedication of law enforcement and prosecutors in seeking justice for those who have been harmed.

Show Notes

A local actress is murdered in her home, leaving her family reeling. A trio of suspects would be investigated before one was revealed as the killer.                           

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The Final Bow  (Pasinetta Prince)

The Final Bow (Pasinetta Prince)
