DiscoverThe Charlie Kirk ShowThe Key Pillars of America — My Speech to TPUSA New Hires
The Key Pillars of America — My Speech to TPUSA New Hires

The Key Pillars of America — My Speech to TPUSA New Hires

Update: 2024-09-031


This podcast features a speaker addressing a group of young conservatives at a Turning Point USA event. The speaker passionately advocates for conservative principles, emphasizing individual liberty, limited government, and a strong national identity. They criticize big government, socialism, and the war industry, arguing that these forces threaten American freedom and prosperity. The speaker begins by praising Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA for their work in promoting conservative values on college campuses. They then delve into the Second Amendment, arguing that it is essential for citizens to own weapons to prevent the government from having a monopoly on force and speech. They address the common argument against assault rifles, emphasizing that the term is made up and that the weapon used in a specific incident was not properly secured. The speaker criticizes gun control legislation, arguing that it is ineffective and that the best way to prevent school shootings is to have armed guards and teachers present. They also discuss censorship on social media platforms, arguing that free speech should be prioritized over feelings and that tyranny can be found within corporations as well as government. The speaker criticizes big government, arguing that it grows when people lose the ability to police their own lives and govern themselves. They highlight the unconstitutionality of the administrative state and the need to restrict its power. They also discuss the idea of college being a scam, arguing that students are going into debt to subsidize an environment where they can't express their opinions or learn honestly. The speaker discusses American exceptionalism, arguing that the United States is the greatest country in the world despite having a flawed government. They emphasize the importance of gratitude for the country and its values and warn against the dangers of ingratitude. They also address the issue of anti-Americanism, arguing that people who hate the country should be deported. The speaker distinguishes between patriotism and loyalty to the state, arguing that conservatives have loyalty to the nation, not the state. They emphasize the importance of the American value system, which they summarize as the American Trinity: liberty, in God we trust, and e pluribus unum. The speaker emphasizes the importance of voting and encourages listeners to register and vote. They criticize those who complain about the government but refuse to vote, calling them "idiots." They also discuss the importance of winning over the middle ground, arguing that a bold and declarative approach is the most effective way to do so. The speaker discusses the importance of understanding life goals and the dangers of nihilism. They argue that conservatives typically have a long-term horizon and embody delayed gratification, while liberals often engage in indulgence and instant gratification with a short-term horizon. The speaker argues that socialism is a gateway drug to communism, emphasizing the totalitarian nature of both ideologies. They contrast the socialist belief in big government and small citizens with the conservative belief in big citizens and small government. They address the argument that socialism works in European countries, pointing out that these countries have restrictive immigration policies, large sovereign wealth funds, and homogenous populations. The speaker discusses taxation, arguing that it is theft and that we should do everything we can to limit it. They emphasize that inflation is the silent killer, destroying the value of the dollar and people's purchasing power. They address the biblical teaching to "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's," arguing that the Bible supports private property and that the government should not be bigger than the citizen. The speaker criticizes the war industry, arguing that it is a great injustice of the modern American experiment. They believe that a free society cannot exist if a country invades other societies and that the war machine has caused significant damage, including high rates of veteran suicide. They defend veterans and address anti-military sentiment, arguing that killing is not murder and that the anger directed at veterans should be redirected towards the political class. The speaker explains his support for Israel, arguing that it is important for Christians to be able to visit the Holy Land and archaeological sites to prove the accuracy of the Bible. They also believe that supporting Israel is a way to oppose Hamas and other groups they consider evil. The speaker discusses the importance of the American flag and encourages listeners to be patriotic. They criticize the left's obsession with gay pride flags and argue that the American flag should be flown proudly. They also discuss the UN Sustainability Goals and Agenda 2030, arguing that it is important to be aware of their agenda and to push back against it. The speaker offers advice for activists in red states, encouraging them to break complacency, stay involved, and express their viewpoints. They also discuss the qualities of good leaders, emphasizing the importance of having a good attitude, telling the truth, and being creative.


Conservative Values and American Identity

This chapter introduces the speaker's message of promoting conservative values and a strong national identity, emphasizing individual liberty and limited government.

Turning Point USA and the Fight for Freedom

The speaker praises Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA for their work in promoting conservative values on college campuses, highlighting their efforts in fighting for freedom and liberty.

The Second Amendment and the Right to Self-Defense

The speaker discusses the Second Amendment, arguing that it's necessary for citizens to own weapons to prevent the government from having a monopoly on force and speech. They highlight the importance of self-defense and the Heller decision, which established the right to own a gun for self-protection.

Addressing the "Assault Rifle" Argument

The speaker addresses the common argument against assault rifles, emphasizing that the term is made up and that the weapon used in a specific incident was not properly secured. They argue that a free society comes with costs and that the benefits of gun ownership outweigh the potential downsides.

Gun Control, School Safety, and Hypocrisy

The speaker discusses gun control legislation, arguing that it's ineffective and that the best way to prevent school shootings is to have armed guards and teachers present. They criticize the hypocrisy of protecting money, tourism, and sporting events more than children.

Censorship, Tyranny, and Free Speech

The speaker discusses censorship on social media platforms, arguing that free speech should be prioritized over feelings and that tyranny can be found within corporations as well as government. They use examples of bans on TikTok and the suppression of information about the Hunter Biden laptop to illustrate their point.

Big Government, the Administrative State, and Individual Liberty

The speaker criticizes big government, arguing that it grows when people lose the ability to police their own lives and govern themselves. They highlight the unconstitutionality of the administrative state and the need to restrict its power.

College as a Scam and the Importance of Free Speech

The speaker discusses the idea of college being a scam, arguing that students are going into debt to subsidize an environment where they can't express their opinions or learn honestly. They emphasize the importance of challenging the current college campus environment.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom and the Importance of Character

The speaker advises students on how to deal with parents who push them to go to college, emphasizing that a college degree is not the only path to success. They argue that character and virtue are more important than grades and that students should be encouraged to challenge conventional wisdom.


Turning Point USA

A non-profit organization founded by Charlie Kirk that aims to promote conservative values on college campuses.

Second Amendment

The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.

Gun Control

Laws and regulations designed to restrict the ownership, sale, and use of firearms.

Big Tech

Large technology companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, that have significant influence over online content and communication.


The suppression of speech, ideas, or information that is considered objectionable or harmful.

Administrative State

The unelected bureaucracy that has grown in power over the last century, often operating outside the checks and balances of the U.S. Constitution.

College Scam

The argument that college is overpriced and does not provide a good return on investment, particularly for students who are unable to express their opinions or learn honestly.

American Exceptionalism

The belief that the United States is a unique and exceptional nation, often attributed to its democratic values, economic prosperity, and cultural influence.


Hostility or opposition to the United States and its values.


  • What is Turning Point USA and what is its mission?

    Turning Point USA is a non-profit organization founded by Charlie Kirk that aims to promote conservative values on college campuses. They work to start chapters, train students, and spread the message of freedom and liberty.

  • Why does the speaker believe the Second Amendment is important?

    The speaker believes the Second Amendment is crucial to prevent the government from having a monopoly on force and speech. They argue that citizens need to be able to own weapons to protect themselves and their rights.

  • What is the speaker's view on gun control legislation?

    The speaker believes that gun control legislation is ineffective and that the best way to prevent school shootings is to have armed guards and teachers present. They criticize the hypocrisy of protecting money, tourism, and sporting events more than children.

  • How does the speaker define big government and what are its dangers?

    The speaker defines big government as a government that has grown too large and powerful, often operating outside the checks and balances of the Constitution. They believe that big government undermines individual liberty and freedom.

  • What is the speaker's view on college and its current environment?

    The speaker believes that college is often a scam, arguing that students are going into debt to subsidize an environment where they can't express their opinions or learn honestly. They emphasize the importance of challenging the current college campus environment.

  • What is the speaker's view on American exceptionalism and the importance of gratitude?

    The speaker believes that the United States is the greatest country in the world despite having a flawed government. They emphasize the importance of gratitude for the country and its values and warn against the dangers of ingratitude.

  • How does the speaker address the argument that socialism works in European countries?

    The speaker argues that these countries have restrictive immigration policies, large sovereign wealth funds, and homogenous populations. They believe that most people would prefer a free society that allows them to achieve their goals over a comfortable society that provides everything they want.

  • What is the speaker's view on taxation and inflation?

    The speaker believes that taxation is theft and that we should do everything we can to limit it. They emphasize that inflation is the silent killer, destroying the value of the dollar and people's purchasing power.

  • How does the speaker reconcile the biblical teaching to "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" with his view on taxation?

    The speaker argues that the Bible supports private property and that the government should not be bigger than the citizen. They emphasize the importance of the concept of "render unto God what is God's."

Show Notes

Enjoy Charlie's speech to the most recent hiring class at Turning Point USA to hear what it takes to be apart of one of the largest grassroots movements in the country. Charlie walks through the key points to keeping America free, and lays out how even the lowliest figure in the movement can make a difference for saving the country.

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The Key Pillars of America — My Speech to TPUSA New Hires

The Key Pillars of America — My Speech to TPUSA New Hires

Charlie Kirk