The LIE of Yesterday, Tomorrow and Fantasy | 049
On my family trip to Disneyland I saw this sign at the gate: “HERE YOU LEAVE TODAY AND ENTER THE LAND OF TOMORROW YESTERDAY AND FANTASY.” As humans we have been conditioned to spend so much time in the past, in the future, and in fiction that we remain in a cycle that leads to nowhere. To get where we want to go our starting point must be rooted in the reality of now.
Welcome to THE CHURCH IS BROKEN podcast.
Join Samuel Neider, a former pastor, on his journey of enlightenment as he shares his story of walking through darkness and despair to lay hold of the LIGHT that he could not find in 30 years of seeking, searching, and serving in the church.
Samuel exposes why the church is broken and how the misaimed, man-made system fails at bringing light into the world and at producing transformation in the lives of the believers.
Samuel will empower you, the listener, with the good news of living the KINGDOM LIFE, based on the TRUTH of what Jesus really taught and commissioned us to do - the TRUTH that has been veiled by the broken system of the church.
To dialogue with Samuel directly go to The Church is Broken Facebook page.