DiscoverIn the GameThe NFL almost has a deal with Disney | The Olympics are slowly creeping toward the inevitable cancellation | Is British football becoming American soccer?
The NFL almost has a deal with Disney | The Olympics are slowly creeping toward the inevitable cancellation | Is British football becoming American soccer?

The NFL almost has a deal with Disney | The Olympics are slowly creeping toward the inevitable cancellation | Is British football becoming American soccer?

Update: 2021-03-08


The NFL is in a protracted battle to double its broadcast revenues over the next decade, and one story recently came out saying their supposed deal with Disney is not getting them quite what they were hoping to achieve. Whether that's true or not, we'll find out soon.  If, however, the revenue shortfall is as large as the claim states, it will be difficult for America's most successful sport to reach its goals.

News is beginning to circulate that the 2021 Tokyo Olympics are going to be canceled. No matter how many vaccines hit our arms before July, the world is not ready for something like this, and we hope the rumors may be true - time to cancel the games!

European soccer teams are nowhere near the value of American sports teams, which makes them especially interesting for wealthy Americans looking to diversify their sports portfolios. Furthermore, they bring the economic, marketing, branding and real estate prowess to a market in need of modernization. Investments are already paying off handsomely.   

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The NFL almost has a deal with Disney | The Olympics are slowly creeping toward the inevitable cancellation | Is British football becoming American soccer?

The NFL almost has a deal with Disney | The Olympics are slowly creeping toward the inevitable cancellation | Is British football becoming American soccer?

Mighty Dot Media