DiscoverThe Napoleon Bonaparte PodcastThe Napoleon Bonaparte Podcast 50 – Guest Alex Mikaberidze on Napoleon and Alexander
The Napoleon Bonaparte Podcast 50 – Guest Alex Mikaberidze on Napoleon and Alexander

The Napoleon Bonaparte Podcast 50 – Guest Alex Mikaberidze on Napoleon and Alexander

Update: 2009-03-28


We made it to 50! w00t!

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Our guest today is the wonderful Alexander Mikaberidze.

Alex is assistant professor of European history at Louisiana State University in Shreveport. He holds a degree in international law from Tbilisi State University (Republic of Georgia, 1999) and a Ph.D. in history from Florida State University (2003). After working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia (1996-2000), he taught European and Middle Eastern history at Florida State and Mississippi State Universities and lectured on strategy and policy for the U.S. Naval War College. In addition to his articles on various Napoleonic-related topics, Dr. Mikaberidze has written and edited seven books, including The Battle of Borodino: Napoleon versus Kutuzov (2007), Historical Dictionary of Georgia (2007), The Russian Officer Corps in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1792-1815 (2004, winner of the 2005 Literary Prize of the International Napoleonic Society), The Czar’s General: The Memoirs of a Russian General in the Napoleonic Wars (2005). He has been awarded the International Napoleonic Society’s Legion of Merit Award for his contributions to the Napoleonic studies.

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The Napoleon Bonaparte Podcast 50 – Guest Alex Mikaberidze on Napoleon and Alexander

The Napoleon Bonaparte Podcast 50 – Guest Alex Mikaberidze on Napoleon and Alexander