DiscoverThe GaryVee Audio ExperienceThe One Truth I'll Never Stop Trying to Reveal
The One Truth I'll Never Stop Trying to Reveal

The One Truth I'll Never Stop Trying to Reveal

Update: 2024-09-16


Gary Vaynerchuk reflects on his life journey, sharing valuable insights gleaned from his immigrant background and entrepreneurial experiences. He emphasizes the importance of candor, empathy, and embracing failure as crucial elements for success. The podcast delves into Gary's childhood, highlighting the values instilled by his parents, including love, accountability, and hard work. He emphasizes the significance of these values in shaping his character and driving his entrepreneurial spirit. Gary passionately advocates for finding and pursuing one's passion, regardless of societal expectations. He encourages listeners to embrace their unique talents and not be afraid to take risks, viewing failure as a valuable learning opportunity. He discusses his approach to leadership, emphasizing the importance of empathy and kindness in building a successful and fulfilling business. He shares his unique perspective on scaling a business with empathy, advocating for hiring, firing, and promoting quickly while maintaining an optimistic mindset. Gary also delves into the role of social media in business, emphasizing the importance of embracing humility and authenticity when transitioning to new platforms. He believes that every business can benefit from being present on all platforms and engaging with its audience. Throughout the podcast, Gary reflects on his biggest regret, which is not being more candid with his employees in the early years of his career. He acknowledges the importance of honest communication and its impact on building strong relationships.


Life Lessons and Building a Successful Business

Gary Vaynerchuk reflects on his life lessons and shares his thoughts on candor, empathy, and the importance of embracing failure. He discusses his childhood experiences, the values instilled by his parents, and his approach to leadership and scaling a business with empathy.

Early Life and Influences

Gary discusses his childhood experiences as an immigrant from Belarus, growing up in poverty, and the values instilled by his parents. He emphasizes the importance of love, accountability, and hard work in shaping his character.

Finding Your Passion and Taking Risks

Gary shares his belief that everyone has a passion, even if it seems silly or unconventional. He encourages listeners to embrace their passions and not be afraid to pursue them, regardless of societal expectations. He also discusses his approach to taking risks and trying new things, emphasizing the importance of not being afraid of failure and focusing on self-accountability.

Building VaynerMedia and Brand Strategy

Gary explains his decision to build VaynerMedia, a digital marketing agency, after leaving his father's liquor store. He emphasizes the importance of brand building and the challenges of starting over in a new industry.

Social Media and Content Creation

Gary discusses his favorite social media platforms and the importance of embracing humility when transitioning to new platforms. He believes that every business can benefit from being present on all platforms.



Open, honest, and direct communication, often involving expressing critical feedback or difficult truths. It is essential for building trust and fostering growth.


The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is crucial for building strong relationships, fostering a positive work environment, and making ethical decisions.


A strong and enthusiastic interest in something, often leading to a deep commitment and drive. It is a powerful motivator for personal and professional growth.

Micro Failure

Small setbacks or mistakes that occur during the learning process. They are valuable opportunities for growth and refinement, helping individuals develop resilience and adaptability.

Chief Heart Officer

A unique leadership role focused on fostering empathy, kindness, and a positive work environment within an organization. It prioritizes the well-being of employees and promotes a culture of care.

Hustle Culture

A work ethic that emphasizes hard work, dedication, and relentless pursuit of goals. It can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on how it is implemented and balanced with other values.

Redefining Success

Challenging traditional notions of success, which often prioritize wealth and status, and embracing alternative definitions that emphasize happiness, fulfillment, and personal values.

Risk Aversion

A tendency to avoid taking risks, often driven by fear of failure or loss. It can be both a strength and a weakness, depending on the context and the individual's goals.


A modest or low view of one's own importance. It is essential for learning, growth, and building strong relationships.


  • What are some things you learned from your childhood that have shaped your approach to business and life?

    Gary learned the importance of love, accountability, and hard work from his parents. He also emphasizes the value of diversity and the importance of being comfortable with discomfort.

  • How do you find your passion and how do you encourage others to do the same?

    Gary believes that everyone has a passion, even if it seems silly or unconventional. He encourages listeners to embrace their passions and not be afraid to pursue them, regardless of societal expectations.

  • What are your thoughts on taking risks and how do you approach them in your own life and business?

    Gary believes that taking risks is essential for growth and success. He encourages listeners to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and to focus on self-accountability.

  • How do you balance empathy and kindness with the demands of running a successful business?

    Gary believes that empathy and kindness are essential for building a successful and fulfilling business. He created the \"Chief Heart Officer\" role at VaynerMedia to prioritize the well-being of employees and promote a culture of care.

  • What advice would you give to someone who is trying to scale their business with empathy?

    Gary's advice for scaling with empathy is to hire fast, fire faster, and promote fastest. He also emphasizes the importance of an optimistic mindset and playing within one's financial means.

  • What are your thoughts on the role of social media in business and how do you approach content creation?

    Gary believes that every business can benefit from being present on all social media platforms. He emphasizes the importance of embracing humility when transitioning to new platforms and reverse engineering where the attention is.

  • What is your biggest regret in your career and how have you learned from it?

    Gary's biggest regret is not being more candid with his employees in the early years of his career. He acknowledges the importance of honest communication and the impact it has on building strong relationships.

  • How do you intentionally give yourself creative space and cultivate innovation time?

    Gary doesn't have a specific process for creative space. He believes that it's about protecting his curiosity and seeing it through, even when faced with other demands.

  • How important is micro failure to success?

    Gary believes that micro failure is essential for success. He encourages embracing adversity and learning from mistakes.

Show Notes

Today's episode is a great Q&A I gave last year! I discussed my early life and the things I was exposed to and how that shaped me into who I am today. I also talk about the importance of saving money, why I believe everyone knows what their passion is but hides it, and the reason I have always been myself. mistaking self-love for ego and so much more!

Enjoy! Let me know what you thought!









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The One Truth I'll Never Stop Trying to Reveal

The One Truth I'll Never Stop Trying to Reveal

Gary Vaynerchuk