The Power of Deadlines when Getting Shizzz done (for Singers & Creative Types)
This is my story on how deadlines and I became friends after a tumultuous relationship, starting back when I was 10.
Yes, I have been deadline-resistant for most of my adult life until now.
A few years ago, I had finished my music degrees, and the gigs that had come so easily to me stopped.
I went quite a while without performing. And my self-confidence dwindled – I was a fish out of water.
I then realised I had to take responsibility for making my opportunities.
These brilliant ideas I kept telling people about (mostly my Mum and my best friend Amy, who I FaceTime daily) wouldn’t be manifested without action.
So, I reached out to JMI Live and asked for a gig. It was a few months into the future, so there was enough space not to freak out but a clear deadline.
And I found my new method to make things happen – book the show even when you’re not ready!
This method can apply to any project really. Set a date and tell people about it!
In this episode, you can learn about how to:
✨ Bite the bullet and give yourself a clear date (even if you don’t feel ready), and then reverse engineer your project.
✨How to ask for a gig at a Venue - ask for what you want!
✨Uncover resistance and coach yourself out of it.
I also let you know about all of our exciting Fearless Singer Events. If you want to stay posted, go to
As always, let me know what resonates with you!!
Lots of love
Mel ❤️🔥🎵
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