DiscoverThe Charlie Kirk ShowThe RFK Jr. Interview
The RFK Jr. Interview

The RFK Jr. Interview

Update: 2024-09-192


This podcast features Bobby Kennedy Jr. discussing his views on the current state of American politics, the role of government agencies, and the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy. He argues that the Democratic Party has shifted from a party of peace and civil rights to a party of war, censorship, and corporate interests. He criticizes the party's embrace of neoconservatives and highlights the growing distrust of institutions among those who support President Trump. Kennedy Jr. also discusses his experience being investigated by the National Marine Fisheries Service for a 30-year-old incident involving a dead whale, arguing that this investigation is an example of the weaponization of government agencies. He contrasts this with the agency's inaction on the issue of offshore wind farms, which he believes are harming whale populations. Regarding the assassination of his uncle, Kennedy Jr. highlights the findings of the Church Committee, which concluded that Oswald was not the only shooter, and the subsequent cover-up orchestrated by the CIA. He recommends James Douglas's book "The Unspeakable" for a comprehensive account of the assassination and its aftermath.


The Realignment of American Politics

Bobby Kennedy Jr. discusses the realignment of American politics, arguing that the Democratic Party has shifted from a party of peace and civil rights to a party of war, censorship, and corporate interests. He criticizes the party's embrace of neoconservatives like Dick Cheney and John Bolton, and highlights the growing distrust of institutions among those who support President Trump.

The Weaponization of Government Agencies

Kennedy Jr. discusses his experience being investigated by the National Marine Fisheries Service for a 30-year-old incident involving a dead whale. He argues that this investigation is an example of the weaponization of government agencies, contrasting it with the agency's inaction on the issue of offshore wind farms, which he believes are harming whale populations.

The Assassination of JFK and the CIA

Kennedy Jr. discusses the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy, and the ongoing debate about the CIA's involvement. He highlights the findings of the Church Committee, which concluded that Oswald was not the only shooter, and the subsequent cover-up orchestrated by the CIA. He recommends James Douglas's book "The Unspeakable" for a comprehensive account of the assassination and its aftermath.


Realignment of American Politics

A significant shift in the political landscape, often characterized by changes in party platforms, voter demographics, and the balance of power. This realignment can be driven by social, economic, or cultural factors.


A political ideology that emphasizes a strong national defense, interventionist foreign policy, and a limited role for government in social and economic affairs. Neoconservatives often advocate for the use of military force to promote American interests abroad.

Weaponization of Government Agencies

The use of government agencies for political purposes, often to target opponents or suppress dissent. This can involve selective enforcement of laws, the misuse of resources, or the manipulation of information.

Offshore Wind Farms

Large-scale wind energy projects located in the ocean, often generating controversy due to their potential impact on marine ecosystems, including whale populations.

Church Committee

A United States Senate committee that investigated intelligence abuses by the CIA and FBI in the 1970s. The committee's findings led to significant reforms in the intelligence community.


The Central Intelligence Agency, a US government agency responsible for gathering and analyzing intelligence, conducting covert operations, and providing counterintelligence.

John F. Kennedy Assassination

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, which remains a subject of intense debate and conspiracy theories.


  • What are the key differences between the Democratic Party of today and the Democratic Party of Bobby Kennedy Jr.'s youth?

    Kennedy Jr. argues that the Democratic Party has shifted from a party of peace, civil rights, and skepticism of corporate power to a party of war, censorship, and close ties to Wall Street and big tech.

  • How does Bobby Kennedy Jr. view the role of the CIA in American politics?

    Kennedy Jr. believes that the CIA has a long history of covert operations, including assassinations and election interference, and that it has become too powerful and unaccountable. He supports a plan to separate the CIA's espionage division from its paramilitary division to increase transparency and accountability.

  • What is Bobby Kennedy Jr.'s perspective on the environmental movement?

    Kennedy Jr. believes that the environmental movement has been captured by large corporations that are using the climate emergency to advance their own interests. He criticizes the construction of offshore wind farms, which he believes are harming whale populations, and argues that the movement should focus on protecting habitats and species rather than supporting large-scale geoengineering projects.

Show Notes

Nine months ago, Charlie interviewed Robert Kennedy Jr. as an independent presidential candidate. Now, RFK Jr. is back as the first Kennedy to ever endorse a Republican for president. In a sweeping 80-minute interview, RFK talks to Charlie about the Warren Commission, how securing the border used to be a Democrat cause, the importance of advocating for what you believe even when it endangers our life, and much more.

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The RFK Jr. Interview

The RFK Jr. Interview

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