The Scarecast Files #8: Dr. Herbert Hopkin's Men In Black Encounter
When you hear the phrase 'Men in Black,' one of the first things that may come to mind for many of you is the famous science fiction movie series starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. But did you know that the comic the movies were based on, Lowell Cunningham's The Men in Black, was itself based on a popular UFO conspiracy? Men in Black, as the name would suggest, are beings that appear, usually in black suits, often after UFO sightings. Many people who believe they have seen Men in Black saw something unusual in the sky moments before. Another widely reported theme involving these beings is the deep feeling of distress the witnesses feel after the sighting.
One such man who feels he had an encounter with one of these 'Men in Black' was Dr. Herbert Hopkins. In early September 1976, as the first hints of fall were coming to Maine, Dr. Hopkins found himself consumed by a case he had consulted on the year prior. For whatever reason, Dr. Hopkins couldn't shake the story from his mind... until one strange visitor forced him to.
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