DiscoverThe Charlie Kirk ShowThe Showdown: Trump vs Kamala Presidential Debate Special
The Showdown: Trump vs Kamala Presidential Debate Special

The Showdown: Trump vs Kamala Presidential Debate Special

Update: 2024-09-111


This podcast delves into the first 2024 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, focusing on the perceived unfairness towards Trump and the media's biased coverage. The hosts, Charlie Kirk and his guests, argue that the debate was rigged against Trump, with moderators favoring Harris and the media spinning the narrative in her favor. They discuss the debate's dynamics, highlighting Harris's use of psychological triggers against Trump and the moderators' aggressive fact-checking. The hosts also analyze the media's role in shaping public perception, arguing that they are biased against Trump and that moderate voters are becoming increasingly aware of this bias. The podcast emphasizes the importance of voter turnout and grassroots mobilization, particularly in key swing states. They discuss the effectiveness of ballot chasing, targeting low-propensity voters, and the need for a large-scale effort to ensure a Trump victory. The hosts also address the "cats" controversy, defending Trump's statement about Haitians eating cats and highlighting the media's misinformation on the issue. They discuss the situation in Springfield, Ohio, where residents are experiencing problems related to immigration, and the media's downplaying of the severity of the issue. The podcast concludes by discussing the mood of the country, arguing that it is more aligned with Trump's message than Harris's. They emphasize the importance of taking action now to ensure a Trump victory and encourage listeners to get involved in get-out-the-vote efforts.


The 2024 Debate: A Rigged Game?

Charlie Kirk and his guests discuss the first 2024 presidential debate, focusing on the perceived unfairness towards Donald Trump and the lack of impact on undecided voters. They argue that the debate was rigged against Trump, with moderators favoring Kamala Harris.

The 2020 Comparison and Ballot Strategies

Kirk emphasizes that the 2024 election is different from 2020, with Democrats lacking the same ballot advantages. He highlights the importance of voter turnout and the impact of organizations like Turning Point Action in mobilizing voters.

Information Warfare and the Media's Role

The discussion shifts to the media's role in shaping public perception. Kirk and his guests argue that the media is biased against Trump and that moderate voters are becoming increasingly aware of this bias.

Trump's Strategy and the Second Debate

Kirk and his guests discuss Trump's strategy for the second debate, suggesting he should participate to capitalize on the momentum from the first debate. They believe Trump's performance was strong and that he can build on it.

The Economy and the Enthusiasm Advantage

Kirk emphasizes the importance of the economy as a key issue in the election. He argues that the Biden-Harris administration's economic policies are unpopular and that Trump has the advantage in this area.

Undecided Voters and Abortion

Kirk and his guests analyze the reactions of undecided voters to the debate, particularly on the issue of abortion. They find that the voters were not swayed by Trump's stance on abortion, suggesting that it may not be a decisive issue in the election.

Foreign Policy and the Economy

The discussion focuses on Trump's strong performance on foreign policy and the debate's lack of focus on the economy. Kirk argues that the moderators deliberately avoided the economy, which is Trump's strongest issue.

The Media's Influence on Perception

Kirk and his guests discuss the media's role in shaping public perception of red states and the abortion issue. They argue that the media often portrays red states in a negative light, creating a false reality for many voters.

Undecided Voter Reactions and the Importance of Lived Experience

Kirk and his guests discuss the reactions of undecided voters to the debate, highlighting a CNN focus group where a participant stated that her life was better under Trump's presidency. They argue that lived experience is a powerful factor in shaping voters' decisions.

Trump's Performance and the Risk of Four More Years

Kirk and his guests assess Trump's performance in the debate, acknowledging that it may not have been his best but arguing that he did not \"blow it.\" They emphasize the importance of voters' lived experiences and the risk of four more years under the current administration.

The "Cats" Controversy and Springfield, Ohio

The discussion turns to the controversy surrounding Trump's comments about Haitians eating cats. Kirk and his guests defend Trump's statement, citing evidence of cat consumption in Haitian culture. They also discuss the ongoing situation in Springfield, Ohio, where residents are experiencing problems related to immigration.

Kamala Harris's Campaign Strategy and the Second Debate

Kirk and his guests analyze Kamala Harris's campaign strategy, suggesting that her request for a second debate indicates a lack of confidence in her current position. They believe that the campaign is desperate and that the debate was not a win for Harris.

The Mood of the Country and the Importance of Action

Kirk and his guests discuss the mood of the country, arguing that it is more aligned with Trump's message than Harris's. They emphasize the importance of voter turnout and taking action to ensure a Trump victory.

Panic in the Democratic Base and the Importance of Early Voting

Kirk and his guests discuss the panic within the Democratic base, citing Nate Silver's predictions and the Democrats' efforts to stoke fear. They also highlight the importance of early voting and the need for a second debate to capitalize on the early voting period.

Undecided Voters and Harris's Lack of Standout Moments

Kirk and his guests analyze the reactions of undecided voters to the debate, noting that Harris did not have any standout moments or lines. They argue that the debate was not a decisive win for Harris and that the media is struggling to spin the results in her favor.

Trump's Closing Statement and the Importance of Immigration

Kirk and his guests discuss Trump's closing statement, praising its effectiveness in highlighting Harris's lack of action on key issues. They emphasize the importance of immigration as a key issue in the election and the stark contrast between Trump's and Harris's positions.

The Popularity of Immigration Reform and Trump's Message

Kirk and his guests discuss the popularity of immigration reform and Trump's message on the issue. They argue that the American people are fed up with mass immigration and that Trump's stance resonates with voters.

The Power of Chaos and the Importance of Local Action

Kirk and his guests discuss the potential for chaos to benefit Trump's campaign. They argue that the current administration is built on lies and that any negative news event could further damage their credibility. They also encourage listeners to take action in their communities to address issues related to immigration.

The Importance of Grassroots Mobilization and Ballot Chasing

Kirk and his guests discuss the importance of grassroots mobilization and ballot chasing in key swing states. They highlight the work of Turning Point Action in mobilizing voters and the need for a large-scale effort to ensure victory.

The Effectiveness of Ballot Chasing and Targeting Low-Propensity Voters

Kirk and his guests explain the strategy behind ballot chasing, emphasizing the importance of targeting low-propensity voters in key areas. They argue that this approach is more effective than traditional door-knocking campaigns.

Media Spin and the Lack of Decisive Moments

Kirk and his guests analyze the media's coverage of the debate, highlighting the spin in favor of Harris. They argue that the debate was not decisive and that the media is struggling to portray Harris as a clear winner.

Harris's Lack of Standout Moments and the Media's Scramble

Kirk and his guests discuss Harris's lack of standout moments in the debate. They argue that she did not deliver any memorable lines or make a strong impression on viewers. They also note that the media is struggling to spin the results in her favor.

Trump's One-Liners and the Importance of Authenticity

Kirk and his guests discuss the impact of Trump's one-liners and the importance of authenticity in politics. They argue that Trump's genuine anger and frustration resonated with viewers, while Harris's polished performance came across as phony.

The Deeper Message of the Debate and Trump's Anger

Kirk and his guests discuss the deeper message of the debate, arguing that viewers internalized Trump's anger and frustration. They believe that Trump's authenticity and Harris's phoniness were key takeaways for viewers.

The Taylor Swift Endorsement and its Timing

Kirk and his guests discuss the timing of Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris, suggesting that it may have been a strategic move to counter negative headlines from the debate. They also question whether Swift will actively campaign for Harris.

Media Headlines and the "Haitians Eating Cats" Narrative

Kirk and his guests discuss the media's coverage of the debate, highlighting the negative spin on Trump's comments about Haitians eating cats. They argue that this narrative is a sign of the media's bias and that it will backfire on the Democrats.

The American People's Frustration and the Immigration Issue

Kirk and his guests discuss the American people's frustration with the current state of affairs, particularly regarding immigration. They argue that voters are sick of the Democrats' virtue signaling and that the immigration issue is a winning one for Republicans.

The "Cats" Controversy and the Media's Misinformation

Kirk and his guests discuss the media's misinformation regarding the "cats" controversy, arguing that the media jumped the gun in debunking Trump's statement. They reiterate that cat consumption is a real phenomenon in Haitian culture.

Springfield, Ohio: A Microcosm of the Immigration Crisis

Kirk and his guests discuss the situation in Springfield, Ohio, highlighting the problems residents are facing due to immigration. They argue that the town is a microcosm of the larger immigration crisis and that the media is downplaying the severity of the issue.

Springfield Residents Speak Out: Fear and Frustration

Kirk and his guests play a clip from a Springfield resident who expresses fear and frustration over the impact of immigration on their community. They highlight the resident's concerns about crime, safety, and the lack of police response to incidents involving immigrants.

Undecided Voters in Erie, Pennsylvania: Afghanistan and the Economy

Kirk and his guests play a clip from a focus group in Erie, Pennsylvania, where undecided voters express concerns about the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the economy. They argue that these issues are resonating with voters and that Trump has the advantage in these areas.

Springfield Police and the Suppression of Crime Reports

Kirk and his guests discuss the alleged suppression of crime reports involving immigrants in Springfield, Ohio. They argue that the police are under pressure from town leaders to downplay crime in order to maintain federal funding for migrant programs.

Gun Control and Kamala Harris's Deception

Kirk and his guests discuss Kamala Harris's stance on gun control, highlighting her deception in claiming to be a gun owner while supporting gun confiscation policies. They argue that her stance is unpopular and that her claims are contradicted by her past statements.

The Definition of "Assault Weapons" and Harris's Deception

Kirk and his guests discuss the lack of a technical definition for "assault weapons" and Harris's use of the term to push for gun confiscation. They argue that her definition is vague and could be used to target a wide range of firearms.

Harris's Coaching and the Debate's Outcome

Kirk and his guests discuss the coaching that Harris received for the debate and the impact it had on her performance. They argue that she delivered her lines well but that the debate was not the win that her campaign expected.

The Importance of Action and the Media's Agenda

Kirk and his guests emphasize the importance of taking action now to ensure a Trump victory. They argue that the media is trying to demoralize voters and that the only thing that matters is how much effort is put into the campaign.

Abdul's Trending Moment and the Afghanistan Spin

Kirk and his guests discuss the trending moment of Abdul, who called out Kamala Harris for trying to blame Trump for the Afghanistan withdrawal. They argue that this moment resonated with viewers and that Harris's spin on the issue was unsuccessful.

The Importance of Commitment and Leaving Everything on the Field

Kirk and his guests emphasize the importance of commitment and leaving everything on the field in the final weeks of the campaign. They encourage listeners to take action now and not regret their inaction later.


Drive-By Debate

A term coined by Rush Limbaugh to describe a debate where the moderators are biased and actively work to undermine one candidate. This often involves aggressive fact-checking, interrupting, and framing questions in a way that favors the other candidate.

Psychological Triggers

In the context of the debate, these are specific topics or phrases that are known to evoke strong emotional responses from a particular individual. Kamala Harris's team allegedly identified and used these triggers against Donald Trump to disrupt his composure and performance.

Show Trial

A public event designed to discredit and damage the reputation of an individual or group, often through biased and unfair proceedings. The hosts argue that the debate was a show trial orchestrated by the media to damage Trump's image.

Get-Out-the-Vote Efforts

Activities aimed at encouraging eligible voters to register and participate in elections. The hosts emphasize the importance of these efforts, particularly in key swing states, to counter the media's narrative and ensure Republican voter turnout.

Corporate Media

A term used to describe mainstream media outlets that are owned by large corporations and often accused of having a biased agenda. The hosts criticize the corporate media's role in the debate, highlighting their bias towards Kamala Harris and their attempts to manipulate the narrative.

Ballot Drives

Campaigns focused on encouraging voters to register and cast their ballots, often through door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, and other outreach efforts. The hosts encourage listeners to participate in these drives to ensure Republican voter turnout.

Spin Room

A designated area where candidates and their representatives meet with the media after a debate or other event. The hosts discuss Trump's appearance in the spin room, highlighting his confident and defiant message.


Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view. The hosts warn listeners about the potential for propaganda surrounding the election and encourage them to be critical of the information they consume.

Ballot Chasing

A political strategy involving grassroots mobilization to identify and engage low-propensity voters, particularly in key swing states, to increase voter turnout and influence election outcomes.


  • What were the key takeaways from the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris?

    The debate was characterized by aggressive fact-checking from the moderators, who were perceived as biased towards Kamala Harris. Harris used psychological triggers against Trump, while Trump struggled to maintain his composure. The hosts believe the debate was a \"show trial\" designed to damage Trump's reputation, but that it's unlikely to significantly sway voters.

  • How can voters combat the media's narrative surrounding the election?

    Voters should be critical of the information they consume and not take the media's narrative at face value. They should engage in get-out-the-vote efforts, particularly in key swing states, to ensure Republican voter turnout.

  • What is the importance of voter turnout in the upcoming election?

    Voter turnout is crucial, especially in key swing states, as it will determine the outcome of the election. The hosts encourage listeners to get involved in get-out-the-vote efforts and to ensure that Republican voters turn out.

  • What are the hosts' concerns about the corporate media's role in the election?

    The hosts are concerned about the corporate media's bias towards Kamala Harris and their attempts to manipulate the narrative surrounding the election. They believe the media is actively trying to shape the election's outcome and that voters should be aware of this bias.

  • What are the hosts' recommendations for combating the media's bias?

    The hosts encourage listeners to be critical of the information they consume, to engage in get-out-the-vote efforts, and to push back against the media's narrative. They believe that by taking action, voters can combat the media's bias and ensure a fair election.

  • How did the 2024 debate differ from the 2020 debate, and what are the implications for the election?

    The 2024 debate is different from 2020 because Democrats no longer have the same ballot advantages, such as widespread mail-in voting. This shift emphasizes the importance of voter turnout and grassroots mobilization for both parties.

  • What is the significance of the "cats" controversy, and how does it relate to the larger immigration debate?

    The "cats" controversy highlights the media's tendency to misrepresent and downplay the concerns of Americans regarding immigration. While the media dismissed Trump's statement as false, evidence suggests that cat consumption is a real phenomenon in Haitian culture. This controversy underscores the broader issue of mass immigration and its impact on local communities.

  • What is the role of the media in shaping public perception, and how does it affect the election?

    The media plays a significant role in shaping public perception, often through biased reporting and the promotion of specific narratives. This bias can influence voters' opinions and decisions, particularly regarding issues like immigration and gun control. The media's influence is a key factor in the 2024 election, with both parties vying for control of the narrative.

  • What is the importance of grassroots mobilization and ballot chasing in the 2024 election?

    Grassroots mobilization and ballot chasing are crucial strategies for both parties in the 2024 election. By targeting low-propensity voters and engaging them in the political process, campaigns can increase voter turnout and influence the outcome of the election. This approach is particularly important in key swing states where the margin of victory is often narrow.

  • How does the debate's outcome affect the overall election, and what are the key takeaways for voters?

    The debate's outcome is not necessarily a decisive factor in the overall election, as it is just one event in a long campaign. However, it can provide insights into the candidates' strengths and weaknesses, their messaging strategies, and the issues that are resonating with voters. The key takeaways for voters are the importance of authenticity, the need for action, and the potential for chaos to influence the election.

Show Notes

Charlie, Jack, Blake, Tyler, and Andrew sit down for a comprehensive 2+ hour stream right after the debate. They walk through the highlights, the sore spots, and all the breaking news taking place. Enjoy this special edition of The Charlie Kirk Show with the crew's instant reaction.

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The Showdown: Trump vs Kamala Presidential Debate Special

The Showdown: Trump vs Kamala Presidential Debate Special

Charlie Kirk