The Workplace Wellbeing Book - Done as a Podcast | Part 2 - Chapter 6 : Roles and Responsibility.
Chapter 6: Roles and Responsibility.
We were constantly surprised by the link between what you could call standard business practice and wellbeing. This is covered in this chapter which looks at how you select your team, the roles you give them, their responsibilities and other working practices.
Tools such as an organization chart and a job description which must be part of management 101 really can have an effect on wellbeing if done properly and this came up time and again.
This chapter includes clips from the following podcasts:
- Carolyn Illman, Hiring Coach and Owner, Hire Possibilities | How a great hiring process improves wellbeing at work.
- Dr Nicole Tschierske, Coach/ Mentor for Women in Science, Tech and Engineering | Improving the working day so that it is less energy-draining and more energy-giving
- Dr Benjamin Ritter, Founder of Live for Yourself Consulting | Putting a square peg in a square hole – job crafting and wellbeing
- Louise Deverell Smith, Founder of Daisy Chain | Flexible working and its impact on wellbeing
The Workplace Wellbeing Podcast is supported by the WorkTech Group, which supplies cloud based tools for the modern workforce manager. The Group owns, fastP.A.Y.E is an Earned Wage Access and Financial Wellbeing App for employees. ShopWorks, a cloud based Workforce Management Software and Time and Attendance Software and provides workforce management consultancy. SolvedBy.Ai provides AI powered Sales Forecasting Software and Business Forecasting Software.