DiscoverYUTORAH: R' Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff -- Recent ShiurimThe Yeshiva in Volozhin (As Opposed to Volozhin Yeshiva): It's Reopening in 1899. Description of How it Functioned and of the Individuals Who Taught and Studied There. Their Accomplishments After Leaving the Yeshiva.
The Yeshiva in Volozhin (As Opposed to Volozhin Yeshiva): It's Reopening in 1899. Description of How it Functioned and of the Individuals Who Taught and Studied There. Their Accomplishments After Leaving the Yeshiva.

The Yeshiva in Volozhin (As Opposed to Volozhin Yeshiva): It's Reopening in 1899. Description of How it Functioned and of the Individuals Who Taught and Studied There. Their Accomplishments After Leaving the Yeshiva.

Update: 2024-10-07


The Yeshiva in Volozhin (As Opposed to Volozhin Yeshiva): It's Reopening in 1899. Description of How it Functioned and of the Individuals Who Taught and Studied There. Their Accomplishments After Leaving the Yeshiva. - Oct 7, 2024 - Baruch ha-Levi Epstein: Author of Torah Temimah and Mekor Barukh. How he related to his aunt. The sometimes eccentric nature of geniuses. Aryeh Deri. Memoir of Dr. Hirsch Leib Gordon. His life. R' Shimon Shkop in America and in YU. His relationship with Dr. Belkin. His return to Grodno. The Cantonist mailman at Volozhin Yeshiva (VY). Zionism in reopened VY. R' Refael Shapiro: Description of him as Rosh Yeshiva at VY and how his dedication to Torah learning and deportment inspired people. R' Lessin, R' Volk, and Ne'ilah on Yom Kippur. Daniel Persky and his famous relatives. Hadoar and the Rav. Description of learning in reopened VY. Pinchos Churgin's role at YU's Teachers' Institute. Contest for presidency of YU. Churgin starts Bar Ilan University. Refurbishing of VY building in recent years. Eating only over-baked, burnt matzah. Short chazarat hashatz at Minchah. The book My Uncle the Netziv. Possible reasons it was banned. The Rav and the Chazon Ish together in Vilna. Comments on marriage, in the past as opposed to the present.








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The Yeshiva in Volozhin (As Opposed to Volozhin Yeshiva): It's Reopening in 1899. Description of How it Functioned and of the Individuals Who Taught and Studied There. Their Accomplishments After Leaving the Yeshiva.

The Yeshiva in Volozhin (As Opposed to Volozhin Yeshiva): It's Reopening in 1899. Description of How it Functioned and of the Individuals Who Taught and Studied There. Their Accomplishments After Leaving the Yeshiva.

Rakeffet-Rothkoff, Rabbi Dr. Aaron