The surfer and circumnavigator — the gobsmacking feats of Pauline Menczer and Bonnie Hancock
A freckle-faced kid from Bondi, Pauline Menczer fought the entrenched sexism of the pro-surfing scene to became women's world surfing champion and pave the, waves..for girl grommets today. But all the while she was also fighting another battle inside her own body’s cells. Ironwoman and surf lifesaving champion Bonnie Hancock became the fastest and youngest person, and the first Australian woman, to circumnavigate Australia on a small surf ski, solo. What possessed her to paddle 12,700 kilometres through crocodile and shark-populated waters, mega-waves, and worse? Pauline and Bonnie join Big Ideas' host Natasha Mitchell for a conversation that might inspire you to chase your dreams, big or small.
This event was organised and hosted by the Queenscliffe Literary Festival.
Pauline MenczerWomen's world surfing champion Author, Surf Like a Woman (2024)
Bonnie HancockAthelete, professional Ironwoman, dieticianAuthor, The Girl Who Touched the Stars (2024)Ambassador, Gotcha4Life Foundation
Further information
Girls Can't Surf documentary
Australian Surfing Awards Surfing Hall of Fame