Things Rarely Go According to Plan — Core Value #5
#017 — Core Value #5: Plans are important. And things rarely go according to plan.
A wise doula told me that in preparing for birth, she encourages women to consider the range of birth experiences and possibilities. In this way, designating “preferences” instead of a “plan,” we would be able to plan for something that was, effectively, unplannable.
Babies are the ultimate plan-changers! Inviting a human into your life is inviting chaos in. They have their own ideas and what happens is often different than what we planned or expected.
In life, making plans is great. We love plans and goals and ideas and visions. And we also know that more often than not, things don’t always go according to plan. So we act in the present, with the information we have, staying resilient and agile, understanding that the process is as important as the outcome. The ability to show up and be messy with it, as things are changing, is a skill we value.
But we also have to know that we don’t have control over everything.
There’s no right or perfect time to start the business, or to have kids. If you wait for the perfect moment, you’re just waiting.
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Questions of this episode: When, in your life, have you had something not go according to plan, and what happened instead?
How does making plans in the face of uncertainty make you feel? When do your plans go better than your wildest dreams? When have things not gone according to plan, and change you because of it?