Thinking the spiritual gifts | Feat. Stephen Bartley
What do we mean by the spiritual gifts? When it comes to this topic we are more inclined to lean towards controversy as opposed to wonder, debate as opposed to collective pursuit and disunity over unity! In this podcast we talk about what the spiritual gifts are, cessationism, continuitionism and how we can pursue the gifts as God has commanded!
Minute 57:07 | *Edification in Christ* Not edification of Christ.
Time Codes:
0:00 - Intro
2:19 - What do we mean by the gifts?
5:22 - Why does there exist a dichotomy between charismatic gifts and other spiritual gifts?
17:29 - Cessationism?
28:06 - Continuationism?
40:08 - How do we pursue the gifts?
50:01 - Spiritual gifts at the expense of Gods word?
53:15 - G.I.F.T
56:22 - Summary
59:03 - Stephen's closing thought
59:59 - Conclusion
Music by
Over the limits