DiscoverThe PetaPixel PodcastThis Isn't the Compact Camera Revival We Asked For
This Isn't the Compact Camera Revival We Asked For

This Isn't the Compact Camera Revival We Asked For

Update: 2025-01-08


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With smartphone cameras coming to a plateau on quality -- especially on zoom lenses -- there is a distinct spot for point-and-shoots. Compact cameras certainly have value and the team thinks there is definitely a place for them in the market today, but also thinks there is a "right" and "wrong" way for manufacturers to jump in on this popular trend. Sure, these kinds of cameras need to be affordable but it's often not quite enough to just slap a USB-C charging port on a compact camera design from 8 years ago and call it good.

That said, there are a few compact cameras that the team thinks would be okay to just re-release with minor upgrades to start serving the market right away.

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In This Episode








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End of Episode

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This Isn't the Compact Camera Revival We Asked For

This Isn't the Compact Camera Revival We Asked For
