DiscoverThe Glenn Beck ProgramThis New EU Law Will CONTROL American Companies?! | Guests: Matt Kibbe & Neil Oliver | 9/12/24
This New EU Law Will CONTROL American Companies?! | Guests: Matt Kibbe & Neil Oliver | 9/12/24

This New EU Law Will CONTROL American Companies?! | Guests: Matt Kibbe & Neil Oliver | 9/12/24

Update: 2024-09-122


This podcast delves into the implications of the European Union's new law, the Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence Directive (CSDD), which establishes a global ESG social credit scoring system. The host, Glenn Beck, argues that this law will force companies to adopt ESG standards, potentially leading to higher prices for consumers and a transfer of wealth from Western countries to developing nations. He discusses the impact of the law on food distribution companies, using Cisco Foods as an example, and highlights the potential for disruptions in the supply chain. The podcast also explores the broader context of the ESG movement, discussing the Green New Deal and its potential impact on various industries. Beck criticizes the pandemic lockdowns and the actions of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, arguing that they were a "dry run" for greater government control. He then examines the emergence of an anti-authoritarian movement within American politics, highlighting the growing number of individuals who are speaking out against the excesses of government power and the erosion of individual liberties. The podcast concludes with a discussion of the Justice Department's (DOJ) response to potential changes in administration. Beck expresses concern that the DOJ is being "hardened" to resist any attempts by a new president to implement policy changes, particularly if that president is Donald Trump. He believes this hardening will make the DOJ less accountable and more resistant to transparency.


The EU's ESG Law: A Global Transfer of Wealth

This chapter discusses the EU's new law creating a global ESG social credit scoring system, the CSDD. It explains how this law will impact businesses worldwide and lead to a massive transfer of wealth from Western countries to developing nations.

The Impact of ESG on Food Distribution: Cisco Foods as an Example

This chapter discusses the impact of the EU's ESG law on food distribution companies, using Cisco Foods as an example. It explains how the law will force Cisco to impose ESG standards on its suppliers, potentially leading to higher food prices and disruptions in the supply chain.

The Green New Deal and its Impact on Businesses

This chapter discusses the far-reaching implications of the Green New Deal, highlighting how it would impact various industries, from food production and transportation to energy and manufacturing. The speaker argues that the law's requirements for transitioning away from fossil fuels would necessitate a complete overhaul of the energy system and create significant challenges for businesses.

The Pandemic Industrial Complex and Tim Walz's Role

This chapter focuses on the speaker's criticism of the pandemic lockdowns and the actions of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. The speaker argues that the lockdowns were a \"dry run\" for greater government control and that Walz's policies were particularly harmful, leading to economic hardship and social unrest.

The Rise of the Anti-Authoritarian Movement

This chapter explores the emergence of an anti-authoritarian movement within American politics. The speaker highlights the growing number of individuals, including prominent figures like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, who are speaking out against the excesses of government power and the erosion of individual liberties.

The Hardening of the DOJ

This chapter discusses the speaker's concerns about the Justice Department's (DOJ) response to potential changes in administration. The speaker believes that the DOJ is being \"hardened\" to resist any attempts by a new president to implement policy changes, particularly if that president is Donald Trump.


ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

ESG refers to a set of standards for a company's environmental, social, and governance practices. It is increasingly used by investors to assess a company's sustainability and ethical behavior.

CSDD (Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence Directive)

The CSDD is a new law passed by the European Union that creates a global ESG social credit scoring system. It requires large companies to adhere to ESG standards and impose them on their suppliers, regardless of location.

Green New Deal

A proposed set of policies aimed at addressing climate change and economic inequality. It calls for a transition to renewable energy, investment in infrastructure, and job creation in green industries.

Pandemic Industrial Complex

A term used to describe the perceived alliance between government, healthcare institutions, and corporations that profited from the COVID-19 pandemic. It suggests that the pandemic was exploited for political and economic gain.


A form of government characterized by strong central control, suppression of dissent, and the concentration of power in the hands of a single leader or a small group.

DOJ Hardening

A term used to describe the perceived effort by the Justice Department to insulate itself from political influence and resist changes in administration. It suggests that the DOJ is becoming more resistant to accountability and transparency.


  • What is the EU's new law creating a global ESG social credit scoring system, and how will it impact businesses worldwide?

    The CSDD (Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence Directive) is a new law passed by the EU that requires large companies to adhere to ESG standards and impose them on their suppliers, regardless of location. This will force companies to make significant changes to their operations, potentially leading to higher prices for consumers and a transfer of wealth from Western countries to developing nations.

  • How is the EU's ESG law being used to transfer wealth from Western countries to developing nations?

    The law requires major corporations to pay for the transition of their suppliers to meet ESG standards, even if those suppliers are located in countries that cannot afford to comply. This means that Western companies will be forced to transfer their wealth to developing nations, potentially leading to economic instability and social unrest.

  • What are some of the key arguments against the EU's ESG law?

    Critics argue that the law is overly burdensome and will stifle economic growth. They also argue that it is a form of social engineering that will force companies to adopt left-wing political agendas.

  • What is the \"propaganda industrial complex,\" and how is it being used to manipulate public opinion?

    The propaganda industrial complex refers to the coordinated efforts of governments, corporations, and media outlets to control information and shape public opinion. This is being achieved through the use of propaganda, misinformation, and censorship, often amplified by social media and artificial intelligence.

  • How can individuals protect themselves from propaganda and misinformation?

    Individuals can protect themselves by being critical consumers of information, verifying sources, and being aware of the tactics used by propagandists. They can also support independent media outlets that are committed to reporting the truth.

  • How would the Green New Deal impact businesses?

    The Green New Deal would require businesses to transition away from fossil fuels, leading to significant changes in their operations and potentially high costs. It would impact industries like energy, transportation, manufacturing, and food production.

  • What are the speaker's criticisms of Tim Walz's handling of the pandemic?

    The speaker believes that Walz's lockdown policies were overly restrictive and caused significant economic damage. They also criticize Walz for overriding local health professionals and for his handling of nursing home policies.

  • What is the anti-authoritarian movement, and why is it gaining momentum?

    The anti-authoritarian movement is a growing group of individuals who are concerned about the erosion of individual liberties and the increasing power of government. They are critical of government overreach, censorship, and the suppression of dissent.

  • What is the speaker's concern about the DOJ's \"hardening\"?

    The speaker believes that the DOJ is being \"hardened\" to resist any attempts by a new president to implement policy changes. They fear that this will make the DOJ less accountable and more resistant to transparency.

Show Notes

Two days have passed since the debate between Trump and Harris, and Harris has yet to see a noticeable boost in her polling. On the other hand, Trump's polling appears to have risen regarding the economy. BlazeTV host of "Fearless" Jason Whitlock joins to discuss Miami Dolphins player Tyreek Hill's recent run-in with police and explains why Tyreek is not the victim in this scenario. Historian Neil Oliver joins to share what Americans should learn from the unrest that is happening in Europe. Glenn and Neil further go through the authoritarian direction Europe is taking, and soon, America will face the same fate. The Heartland Institute senior fellow Justin Haskins joins to announce his and Glenn's newest book, "Propaganda Wars: How the Global Elite Control What You See, Think, and Feel," which is available for pre-order now. Glenn and Justin also discuss the EU law that punishes companies for failing to comply with ESG policies. BlazeTV host of "Kibbe on Liberty" Matt Kibbe joins to discuss whether Tim Walz's COVID authoritarianism led to George Floyd's death. 

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This New EU Law Will CONTROL American Companies?! | Guests: Matt Kibbe & Neil Oliver | 9/12/24

This New EU Law Will CONTROL American Companies?! | Guests: Matt Kibbe & Neil Oliver | 9/12/24

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