Trailer: The Cavalry's Base Camp
Over the last decade, a selfless contingent of people volunteer hours of their time to erect a symbolic cemetery in Calgary. A 5-acre grassy field along Memorial Drive is transformed into "The Field of Crosses." Every Remembrance Day, 3400 crosses grace this vast space honoring the southern Albertans who died on the battlefields of war. But there’s an especially unique brigade of bikers -- veterans -- who spend exhausting days implanting the metal bases for the crosses to stand proud. These people are the foundation for a humbling sight, It gives thousands the chance to pay their respects to the soldiers who never made it home.
Episode 27, "The Calvary's Base Camp," will be released on podcast on Friday, Nov. 9.
Hear "The Calvary's Base Camp" on 770 CHQR on Sunday, Nov. 11. You can also stream the show on