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True Crime Vault: Her Last Chance

True Crime Vault: Her Last Chance

Update: 2024-08-283


This podcast delves into the complex case of Kim Long, a nurse accused and convicted of murdering her boyfriend, Ozzy Kandi. The episode begins by introducing Kim and Ozzy's tumultuous relationship, marked by heavy drinking and arguments. The investigation quickly focuses on Kim, with police questioning her about her whereabouts the night of the murder. The lack of a murder weapon and blood on Kim's clothing further fueled suspicion. The episode then explores other potential suspects, including Kim's ex-husband, Joe Bogarski, and Ozzy's ex-girlfriend, Cynthia. Cynthia's anger towards Ozzie and her past threats against him raise concerns, while Joe's alibi clears him of suspicion. The case takes a turn when the California Innocence Project takes on Kim's case, uncovering new evidence, including a cigarette butt with unknown male DNA, and challenging the credibility of a key witness. This leads to a new trial, where the prosecution ultimately concedes that Kim did not change her clothes after the murder, resulting in the judge vacating her conviction and ordering a new trial. After seven years in prison, Kim is released, but the identity of Ozzie's killer remains a mystery. The episode concludes with Kim adjusting to life outside of prison, while the lingering question of who truly murdered Ozzy leaves the audience with a sense of uncertainty and the possibility that the truth may never be fully revealed.


The Accusation and the Suspects

This chapter introduces Kim Long, a nurse accused of murdering her boyfriend, Ozzy Kandi. The episode explores the events leading up to Ozzy's death, including Kim's heavy drinking and a heated argument with Ozzy. The chapter also introduces the key players in the case, including Kim's lawyer, Alyssa Burekel, and Ozzy's ex-girlfriend, Cynthia. The investigation focuses on Kim, with police questioning her about her whereabouts the night of the murder. The lack of a murder weapon and blood on Kim's clothing further fueled suspicion.

The Investigation and the Suspects

This chapter delves into the investigation of potential suspects beyond Kim Long. The episode introduces Joe Bogarski, Kim's ex-husband, who had a contentious relationship with Ozzy and was initially considered a suspect. The chapter also explores the possibility of Cynthia, Ozzie's ex-girlfriend, being involved in the murder due to her jealousy and past threats against Ozzy.

The Innocence Project and New Evidence

This chapter details Kim's escape from prison and the involvement of the California Innocence Project. The episode explores her reasons for fleeing and the impact her absence had on her family. The chapter also introduces the California Innocence Project, a legal clinic that takes on Kim's case after she is incarcerated. The chapter focuses on the new evidence discovered by Alyssa Burekel, a lawyer with the California Innocence Project. The episode highlights the significance of a cigarette butt found at the crime scene, which contains unknown male DNA. The chapter also examines the credibility of Jeff Deals, a key witness who died before the trial, and his testimony regarding Kim's whereabouts the night of the murder.

The New Trial and Kim's Release

This chapter focuses on Kim's last chance at freedom as she faces a new trial. The episode highlights the emotional weight of the situation for both Kim and her family, as well as the conflicting perspectives of Ozzie's family. The chapter also details the prosecution's decision to back away from its core theory that Kim changed her clothes after the murder, which ultimately leads to the judge's decision to vacate the conviction and order a new trial. This chapter details Kim's release from prison after seven years of incarceration. The episode highlights the joy and relief felt by Kim and her family, as well as the lingering questions surrounding Ozzie's murder. The chapter also explores the reactions of Cynthia and Joe, who both have conflicting perspectives on Kim's innocence.

Kim's New Life and the Unanswered Questions

This chapter focuses on Kim's adjustment to life outside of prison. The episode highlights her desire to reconnect with the outside world and her appreciation for simple pleasures. The chapter also discusses Kim's sobriety and her efforts to rebuild her life. The episode concludes with the lingering question of who truly murdered Ozzy, leaving the audience with a sense of uncertainty and the possibility that the truth may never be fully revealed.


Wrongful Conviction

A situation where an individual is found guilty of a crime they did not commit, often due to flawed evidence, prosecutorial misconduct, or other systemic failures.

Tunnel Vision

A cognitive bias where investigators focus on a single suspect or theory, ignoring or downplaying other possibilities, potentially leading to wrongful convictions.

DNA Evidence

Genetic material used to identify individuals or link them to a crime scene, providing crucial evidence in criminal investigations.

Innocence Project

A non-profit organization dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted individuals through DNA testing and other legal means.


Evidence that proves an individual was at a different location than the crime scene at the time of the offense, providing a defense against accusations of involvement.


A negative emotion characterized by resentment and insecurity, often stemming from a perceived threat to a valued relationship or possession.


  • What were the key pieces of evidence that led to Kim Long's initial conviction?

    The prosecution relied on Jeff Deals' testimony, which placed Kim at the crime scene during the time of Ozzie's death. The lack of a murder weapon and the absence of blood on Kim's clothing also raised suspicion.

  • Who were the main suspects in Ozzie Kandi's murder, and what evidence was presented against them?

    The main suspects were Kim Long, Joe Bogarski (Kim's ex-husband), and Cynthia (Ozzie's ex-girlfriend). Evidence against Kim included her inconsistent statements to police and the lack of a clear alibi. Joe was initially considered a suspect due to his anger towards Ozzie, but he had an alibi. Cynthia was suspected due to her threats against Ozzie and her jealousy towards Kim.

  • How did the California Innocence Project help Kim Long?

    The Innocence Project investigated Kim's case, uncovering new evidence, including a cigarette butt with unknown male DNA, and challenging the credibility of Jeff Deals' testimony. They also highlighted inconsistencies in the prosecution's case, ultimately leading to a new trial.

  • What was the outcome of Kim Long's new trial?

    The judge vacated Kim's conviction and ordered a new trial, citing the new evidence and the prosecution's concession that Kim did not change her clothes after the murder. Kim was released from prison after seven years.

  • What are the lingering questions surrounding Ozzie Kandi's murder?

    The identity of Ozzie's killer remains unknown, as the prosecution's case against Kim was ultimately dismissed. The episode leaves the audience with a sense of uncertainty and the possibility that the truth may never be fully revealed.

Show Notes

Kim Long says she came home late one night to find her boyfriend murdered. A jury said she was the killer. But can a new attorney, and a new look at the evidence, set her free? 

Originally Broadcast 02/04/2017

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Comments (1)


wow last detectives don't do their job

Sep 4th








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True Crime Vault: Her Last Chance

True Crime Vault: Her Last Chance

ABC News