DiscoverThe Tucker Carlson ShowTucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate
Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate

Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate

Update: 2024-09-129


This podcast episode features Tucker Carlson and Dan Bungino, a former Secret Service agent and political commentator, discussing the current political climate and the dangers of the modern left. Carlson expresses his concern about Kamala Harris's lack of limits and her willingness to do anything to achieve power. He also discusses the importance of laughter as a way to cope with the absurdity of the world and the dangers of allowing oneself to be consumed by hate. Bungino shares his perspective on the recent debate, arguing that it was a push at best for both candidates. He also discusses the impact of Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter on the media landscape and the mediocrity of the liberal elite. Bungino argues that the modern left glorifies violence as a political tool and that they have no moral compass to prevent them from doing so. He also discusses the importance of embracing discomfort and the necessity of suffering for growth. The episode concludes with a call to action, encouraging listeners to embrace personal responsibility, limited government intervention, and individual freedom.


Introduction and Promotion

The show introduces a new docu-series covering the historic campaign of Donald Trump, featuring never-before-seen footage. It encourages viewers to become members to access this exclusive content.

Observations and Appreciation

Tucker Carlson expresses his appreciation for the audience and shares his observations about the people in the room, comparing them to his dogs who can sense good people.

Kamala Harris and Guns

Tucker Carlson expresses his concern about Kamala Harris owning a gun, arguing that she is not a person of faith and lacks the responsibility to handle a firearm.

Kamala Harris's Character and Potential for Harm

Tucker Carlson discusses his observations about Kamala Harris's character, highlighting her lack of limits and her willingness to do anything to achieve power. He expresses concern about her potential for harm.

The Importance of Laughter

Tucker Carlson emphasizes the importance of laughter as a sign of life and a way to cope with the absurdity of the world. He argues that laughing at figures like Kamala Harris is a healthy response to their ridiculousness.

The Perils of Hate

Tucker Carlson warns against the dangers of allowing oneself to be consumed by hate, arguing that it can lead to a destructive spiral and ultimately diminish one's own humanity.

Commitment to America

Tucker Carlson expresses his commitment to staying in America, despite the current political climate. He believes that it is important to stand up for one's country and not allow it to be taken over by those who do not share its values.

The Threat of Kamala Harris

Tucker Carlson expresses his fear of Kamala Harris, arguing that she represents a threat to the country's founding principles of consent of the governed and individual liberty.

The Deeper Threat

Tucker Carlson argues that the real threat to the country is not imprisonment, but the erosion of moral values and the spread of hate. He criticizes the current political climate where disagreement is equated with hate and bigotry.

The Lie of Moral Crimes

Tucker Carlson discusses the tactic of accusing opponents of moral crimes as a way to silence dissent and create a climate of fear. He argues that this tactic is a form of lying that is designed to throw people off balance and make them question their own values.

The Goal of Destruction

Tucker Carlson believes that the goal of the current political climate is not to build a better society, but to destroy it. He argues that the focus on division and hate is a deliberate attempt to break things down and create chaos.

The Importance of Love

Tucker Carlson emphasizes the importance of love as the antidote to hate. He argues that it is our duty to love the people around us and that we cannot fulfill our purpose in life when consumed by anger and resentment.

The Sin of Violence

Tucker Carlson condemns violence as a sin, arguing that it is immoral and should only be used in self-defense. He criticizes the glorification of violence in the current political climate and warns against becoming like those who worship it.

Protecting Your Soul

Tucker Carlson advises viewers to protect their souls from the corrosive effects of hate and division. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the people closest to us and fulfilling our responsibilities to them.

Understanding the World

Tucker Carlson promotes Hillsdale College's free online courses as a resource for understanding the deeper trends unfolding in the world. He encourages viewers to take advantage of these courses to gain a better understanding of the challenges facing society.

The Measure of Success

Tucker Carlson emphasizes that the true measure of success and happiness is found in our relationships with the people closest to us. He argues that we should focus on serving those around us and ensuring their well-being.

Don't Let Them Divide You

Tucker Carlson warns against allowing those in power to divide us from the people we love. He argues that they are deliberately trying to break apart families and communities in order to weaken our resistance.

Resisting Violence

Tucker Carlson discusses the importance of resisting violence, even when it is tempting to retaliate. He argues that we should be willing to stand up for our beliefs and be willing to be hurt, but never resort to violence.

The Power of Humor

Tucker Carlson emphasizes the importance of keeping a sense of humor in the face of adversity. He argues that laughter is a powerful tool for maintaining perspective and disempowering those who seek to control us.

Introducing Dan Bungino

Tucker Carlson introduces Dan Bungino, a former Secret Service agent and political commentator, as a guest on the show. He praises Bungino's intelligence, toughness, and ability to distill complex issues into simple, understandable terms.

The Debate: A Push at Best

Dan Bungino shares his perspective on the recent debate, arguing that it was a push at best for both candidates. He believes that Trump is ahead in the race, but that the media is trying to create a narrative of a Biden victory.

The Power of Snapshots and Soundbites

Dan Bungino discusses the importance of snapshots and soundbites in shaping public opinion. He argues that the media is trying to control the narrative by focusing on specific moments and framing them in a way that supports their agenda.

Elon Musk and the Threat to Democracy

Dan Bungino discusses the impact of Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter on the media landscape. He argues that Musk has created a platform for free speech that has threatened the liberal establishment's control over information.

The Mediocrity of the Liberal Elite

Dan Bungino argues that the liberal elite is made up of mediocre people who have built an entire system to give themselves wealth and status. He believes that social media has exposed their true nature and that they are threatened by the rise of independent voices.

How Long Can They Tolerate You?

Dan Bungino discusses the challenges of speaking truth to power in the current media landscape. He argues that those who challenge the establishment are seen as a threat and that they will be targeted for silencing.

The Most Dangerous Person

Dan Bungino argues that the most dangerous person in the world is someone who has nothing to lose. He shares his own experiences with censorship and the lengths to which the establishment will go to silence dissent.

The Assassination Attempt on Trump

Tucker Carlson raises the issue of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and asks Dan Bungino for his perspective on the incident.

Layered Incompetence is Intent

Dan Bungino discusses the concept of layered incompetence as a form of intent. He argues that the failure of the Secret Service to protect Trump from the assassination attempt was not simply a mistake, but a deliberate act of negligence.

Persistent Indifference is Approval

Dan Bungino argues that the lack of attention given to the assassination attempt on Trump is a sign of approval. He believes that the media and the political establishment are complicit in the violence against Trump and that they are not truly concerned about his safety.

The Left's Worship of Violence

Dan Bungino argues that the modern left glorifies violence as a political tool. He cites examples of riots and protests that have resulted in destruction and violence, arguing that this is a deliberate strategy to intimidate and silence opponents.

The Emergency Break

Dan Bungino discusses the difference between the left and the right in terms of their moral compass. He argues that the left has no emergency break on their behavior and that they are willing to use violence to achieve their goals.

Vandalism Against the Country

Dan Bungino argues that the left is committing vandalism against the country by tearing down its institutions and values. He believes that their actions are purely destructive and that they have no interest in building anything new.

The Misery of the Left

Dan Bungino argues that the left is fundamentally unhappy and that this unhappiness drives their hatred of others. He believes that people who hate themselves are dangerous and that we should be wary of them.

The Path to Happiness

Dan Bungino discusses the path to true happiness, arguing that it is found through suffering. He believes that God has given us a complex reward system for happiness, but that we can only access it through overcoming challenges and adversity.

The Importance of Embracing Discomfort

The speaker emphasizes the value of pushing oneself beyond comfort zones, citing his own daily routine of cold plunges and intense workouts. He argues that embracing discomfort leads to greater appreciation for the good times and a more fulfilling life.

The State of the Nation and the Movement

The speaker expresses concern about the current state of the country, drawing parallels to historical periods like the Reagan revolution and Giuliani's New York. He believes the country is blessed but facing cyclical challenges, and questions whether the current situation is \"bad enough\" to trigger positive change.

The Necessity of Suffering for Growth

The speaker argues that suffering is necessary for growth and that experiencing hardship makes the good times more meaningful. He uses his own experience in New York City during a period of high crime to illustrate this point, highlighting how the city's struggles ultimately led to positive change.

A Call to Action: Simple Steps for a Better Future

The speaker outlines a simple set of principles for improving the country's trajectory, emphasizing personal responsibility, limited government intervention, and individual freedom. He encourages listeners to resist the temptation of easy solutions and embrace a more self-reliant approach.

The Importance of Live Events and the Fall Tour

The speaker highlights the importance of live events in bypassing censorship by big tech companies. He announces a fall tour across the United States, featuring appearances with prominent figures like Megan Kelly, Charlie Kirk, and Donald Trump Jr.



A documentary series, often episodic, that explores a particular topic or event in depth.

Assassination Attempt

A deliberate act of trying to kill someone, often a high-profile figure.

Layered Incompetence

A series of mistakes or failures that, when combined, suggest a deliberate intent to cause harm or damage.

Persistent Indifference

A continued lack of concern or interest in something, often suggesting approval or complicity.

Emergency Break

A mechanism or principle that prevents someone from acting in a harmful or destructive way, often based on moral values or a sense of responsibility.


The act of intentionally damaging or destroying property, often motivated by anger or a desire to cause chaos.


  • What is Tucker Carlson's main concern about Kamala Harris?

    Tucker Carlson is concerned about Kamala Harris's lack of limits and her willingness to do anything to achieve power. He believes that she is not a person of faith and lacks the responsibility to handle a firearm, which is why he is against her owning a gun.

  • What does Dan Bungino mean by \"layered incompetence is intent\"?

    Dan Bungino believes that the failure of the Secret Service to protect Trump from the assassination attempt was not simply a mistake, but a deliberate act of negligence. He argues that the series of failures that led to the incident suggest a deliberate intent to cause harm.

  • What is Dan Bungino's perspective on the modern left's relationship with violence?

    Dan Bungino believes that the modern left glorifies violence as a political tool. He argues that they are willing to use violence to intimidate and silence opponents and that they have no moral compass to prevent them from doing so.

  • How does Dan Bungino define true happiness?

    Dan Bungino believes that true happiness is found through suffering. He argues that God has given us a complex reward system for happiness, but that we can only access it through overcoming challenges and adversity.

  • How does embracing discomfort contribute to a more fulfilling life?

    The speaker argues that pushing oneself beyond comfort zones leads to greater appreciation for the good times and a more fulfilling life. He believes that by embracing discomfort, individuals can develop resilience, mental toughness, and a deeper understanding of their own capabilities.

  • What are the speaker's concerns about the current state of the country?

    The speaker expresses concern about the country's direction, drawing parallels to historical periods of hardship and renewal. He believes that the country is facing cyclical challenges and questions whether the current situation is \"bad enough\" to trigger positive change.

  • What are the speaker's recommendations for improving the country's trajectory?

    The speaker advocates for a more self-reliant approach, emphasizing personal responsibility, limited government intervention, and individual freedom. He encourages listeners to resist the temptation of easy solutions and embrace a more proactive role in shaping their own lives and communities.

Show Notes

Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Tulsa, OK. Dan Bongino on the presidential debate and how to stay happy in chaos.

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Comments (13)

Claudia Smith


Sep 15th

Claudia Smith

Had a great Rush Archive. All gone. dems destroyed everything. Start over. Don't Quit. Banned from You Tube forever. Okay. God has a Candid Camera.

Sep 15th

Claudia Smith

Not giving snapshots to demons. NO WAY.

Sep 15th

Claudia Smith

yeah steal my portrait and snap shots. I have witnesses.

Sep 15th
Reply (5)

Claudia Smith

Love you both.

Sep 15th

Claudia Smith

Yeah be nice.

Sep 15th

Claudia Smith

Yep. Three day expired date. Not true.

Sep 15th

Claudia Smith

Not going to Hollywood either. No thanks. Thespian club is not the same in Texas.

Sep 15th
In Channel

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Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate

Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate

Tucker Carlson Network