Unlocking Philanthropy's Future: Engaging Generations and Elevating Nonprofit Impact
Discover the untapped potential of modern philanthropy with Meghan Speer featuring Rick Dunham, founder and chairman of Dunham Company, as we unravel the myths surrounding generational giving trends. Contrary to popular belief, younger generations, including Gen Z, are showing a vibrant engagement in philanthropy, though in diverse and innovative ways compared to their predecessors. Rick shares fascinating insights from the Generosity Commission's report, shedding light on how nonprofits can harness the synergistic power of giving and volunteering. He offers practical strategies that can help organizations, especially those like food banks, drastically cut operational costs and increase donor involvement by engaging them as volunteers.
For over four decades, Rick Dunham has been at the forefront of marketing and fundraising for Christian nonprofits. In 2002, he founded Dunham + Company, which has become a global leader in providing multi-channel strategies across some of the world’s most influential sectors. Through radio and television, local churches and overseas missions, medical relief and philanthropic initiatives, Dunham + Company is multiplying the reach of the gospel. The company currently serves nearly 100 clients in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand – whose collective effort is reaching nearly every corner of the globe. He serves as a member of the board of The Giving Institute and is a former chair of the Giving USA Foundation, which publishes the most widely respected annual report on giving in the U.S. He has been published and quoted in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post and more.
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