Discover'n Ma & 'n MikrofoonVegter Vir Hoop: Die Ma Wat Met Reuse Baklei/Fighting for Hope: The Mother Who Took on Giants
Vegter Vir Hoop: Die Ma Wat Met Reuse Baklei/Fighting for Hope: The Mother Who Took on Giants

Vegter Vir Hoop: Die Ma Wat Met Reuse Baklei/Fighting for Hope: The Mother Who Took on Giants

Update: 2024-06-26


Liézel Els se tweeling, Lia en Nelius, is nog nie eers 3 jaar oud nie, en sy't reeds 'n leeftyd se uitdagings agter die rug.
Reeds vóór hulle geboorte moes Liézel (41) vir haar kinders begin baklei: As enkellopende vrou wat bitter graag 'n ma wou word, is sy deur ronde op ronde van fertiliteitsbehandeling.
Maar net enkele weke na hulle geboorte, moes Liézel hoor Lia het 'n uiters seldsame toestand, een wat behels dat haar brein nie ten volle ontwikkel het nie.
Daarna het nog uitdagings voorgelê: Om genoeg geld te kry vir die behandeling. Om tussendeur dit als voltyds te werk. En om een van die land se grootste mediese fondse aan te vat toe hulle Lia se behandeling afkeur. Liézel praat openhartig met Daniëlla oor die uitdagings van enkelma wees, van sorg vir 'n kind met spesiale behoeftes, en om elke keer op te staan wanneer die lewe jou wil platslaan.

Liézel Els' twins, Lia and Nelius, are not even 2 years old yet, and she has already faced a lifetime of challenges.
Even before their birth, Liézel (41) had to start fighting for her children: as a single woman who desperately wanted to become a mother, she went through round after round of fertility treatment.
But just a few weeks after their birth, Liézel had to hear that Lia had an extremely rare condition, one that means her brain did not fully develop. After that, more challenges lay ahead: getting enough money for the treatment, working full-time in between everything, and taking on one of the country's largest medical funds when they denied Lia's treatment.
Liézel speaks with Daniëlla about the challenges of being a single mother, caring for a child with special needs, and getting back up every time life tries to knock you down.

- Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z
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Vegter Vir Hoop: Die Ma Wat Met Reuse Baklei/Fighting for Hope: The Mother Who Took on Giants

Vegter Vir Hoop: Die Ma Wat Met Reuse Baklei/Fighting for Hope: The Mother Who Took on Giants
